Saturday, September 17, 2016

Fish diet for 3 days

Fish diet for 3 days.

Fish nutritionists refer generally to two categories: detox diets for rapid weight loss diet. To the liver, which cleanses the body, worked in emergency mode, it needs polyunsaturated acids, rich source of which is fish. But at the same time fish - easily digestible protein product, the use of which promotes the increase of muscle and reduction of fat. Accordingly, if the goal is to clean your body of toxins, excess fluid and a couple extra pounds better diet than the fish diet for 3 days.

Features fish diet

Fish diet for 3 days is recommended at least every six months. Fish is a unique product incorporating a light protein, an invaluable fatty acids, and trace elements that help strengthen the immune system and heart. For diet, you can choose any, not too low-fat types of fish such as: tuna, salmon, sardines, trout, mackerel and others.

Observe the fish for 3 days is quite simple. These days you need to completely give up all meat products, and the best fish to replace all the foods that contain protein. Fish and seafood is best eaten with greens, zucchini, cucumbers, carrots, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower, beets, peppers and lettuce. Exclude from the diet should be eggplant, radish, tomatoes, potatoes and mushrooms. As a side dish to fish better suited unpolished brown rice.

Fish diet for 3 days is unique in that its main diet can be prepared in any form, as in fried and baked and boiled is a matter of taste. But best of all, for maximum effect, fish is to cook or bake with a small amount of oil.

Fish diet for 3 days is best suited for winter time when our body due to lack of sunlight not enough vitamin D, which is a fish in excess. As a Supplement to the fish diet for 3 days is recommended to drink red wine and to give up all fatty, sweet and caffeine-containing beverages.
Sample menu fish diet for 3 days

Menu fish diet for 3 days is varied and has several options. First, let’s talk about Breakfast. It is better suited to one boiled egg or 100-150g low fat cottage cheese, unsweetened yogurt and green tea without sugar.

As a second Breakfast eat 200g cooked fish and drink a glass of plain water without gas. Half an hour later you can eat ½ grapefruit, orange or 2 kiwi. This vitamin charge will provide you with energy for the whole day.

Before dinner you should drink 2 cups of water without gas, it is necessary for the best assimilation of nutrients and vitamins. Then eat 250g of boiled fish or seafood, as well to Bank of canned fish in its own juice. As a side dish suitable fresh or cooked vegetables without starch. It can be spinach, beans, zucchini, bell pepper, cabbage or lettuce. Season vegetables, yogurt or lemon juice. After lunch, you should refrain from drinking water only after 2 hours you can drink a glass of water without gas. In high tea you need to drink a glass of water.

Dinner on the composition of the products is no different from lunch, you can replace the vegetables brown rice or try baked fish. To finish the dinner fish diet for 3 days worth glasses of buttermilk or green tea.

As you can see, a strict diet of fish diet for 3 days is quite varied, since the consumption of different types of fish and replace it with seafood is permitted, as the consumption of vegetables. Fish diet for 3 days is the optimal test its effectiveness on your body. If you found fish diet for 3 days easy enough and can hold on to it for 5 or 7 days, feel free to do it. Importantly, in this case, listen to your body.


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