Monday, September 26, 2016

Radical diet

Radical diet.

Duration - 14 days.
Loss in weight up to 20 kg.
Difficulty - 4 points (on a five-point system).
Adaptation - 2-3 days.
This diet is quite effective and lasts for two weeks. Be patient - it you really need. Without the consent of a doctor is not recommended. The entire diet must distribute 4 meals: this morning; at lunch; 3-4 p.m.; evening (no later than 18 hours); you can drink only water - drinking or mineral.

💧First week
3 eggs or 5 potatoes of medium size.

100 g of cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream, 200-250 g of kefir or curdled milk, water.

2 small apples, 0.5 liters of yogurt, 1 liter of fruit juice.

400 g boiled beef or chicken meat, unsweetened tea and / or 200 g of yogurt.

1 liter of mineral water, 0.5 kg of apples or pears. If you decided to lose weight in winter instead of fresh fruit you can use dried fruits that need to be steamed with boiling water.

300 g of yogurt, milk or yogurt, 3 boiled potatoes.

0.5 liters of yogurt and mineral water.

💧Second week
200 g boiled beef, 1 egg, 2 small tomatoes, drinking or mineral water.

2 apples, 100 g boiled beef, salad of tomatoes and cucumbers with vegetable oil, unsweetened tea (you can use saccharin or other artificial sweeteners).

100 g of boiled beef, 70 g rye bread, 2 apples or pears.

2 eggs, 100 g of boiled beef, 150 g of rye bread, 0,5 l of kefir water.

0.5 liter of yogurt, 3 boiled potatoes, apples (no more than 700 g).

300 g boiled chicken, 2 medium cucumber, 2 eggs, tea.

Mineral water, 4 boiled potatoes, 2 apples, 200 g yogurt.


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