Saturday, September 17, 2016

How to remove tummy?

Exercise 1: Crunch

Lie on your back, legs bend in knees, feet on the floor at shoulder width, fingers at the nape.
On the inhale slowly lift the upper torso up until the blades come off the floor. At the top - exhale.

Quantity: 3 sets of 20.

Exercise 2: Twist

Lie down on your side, legs slightly bend at the knees and scrape so that both feet touch the floor. Straighten your lower arm and extend forward, to lean the palm on the floor, the top for the head.
On the inhale, slowly start to curl in the upper torso, trying to move in a vertical plane. On the exhale, return to I. p. don’t use weights to not make the waist thicker.

Quantity: 2 sets of 15 reps for each side.
Important! do not strain your neck muscles. The lower back should not come off the floor

Exercise 3: putting my legs out to the sides

Lie on your back, hands lay along the body, palms pressed to the floor. Bend your knees and lift up.
Inhale, exhale lower legs to the side, leaving the blade pressed to the floor. On the inhale, return to I. p. Repeat the same in the other direction.

Option: Do this exercise with a ball clamped between feet.

Quantity: 2 sets of 15 times in each direction.

Exercise 4: Reverse curl

Lie on your back, arms along the body.
On the exhale, tense your abdominal muscles and lift your legs and then tear off pelvis from the floor and get up as high as possible. Reaching the highest degree of tension press, inhale and slowly return in and.

Quantity: 2 sets of 15 times.

Exercise 5: the rise of the pelvis with the ball

The emphasis on direct hands, hands are exactly under the shoulders. Legs straight underneath the ball. The body is straight and strictly parallel to the floor. To take I. p., lie down with your belly on the ball and walk hands forward.
Take a breath, then slowly exhale, raise your pelvis, bending your body to the right angle, and rolling the ball forward a little. On the inhale, return to I. p.

Quantity: 2 sets of 15 times.

Important! not to fall with the ball - straining all the muscles

Exercise 6: Plank

Take the emphasis lying down, arms bent at the elbows and positioned exactly under the shoulders, feet together. The body and legs should form a perfect straight line.
Hold I. p. for 30 seconds.

Quantity: 3 times from each approach increases the time by 15 seconds.

Important! Watch your breath, not too long

Exercise 7: the swing leg

As for the strap.
On inhale raise your right leg up, almost parallel to the floor. The back must remain perfectly straight. On the exhale, return to I. p. Switch legs.

Quantity: 2 sets of 20 each leg.

Important! Do not cave in, max straight leg

P. S. When you exercise - turn on energetic music ;)


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