Thursday, September 8, 2016

5 perfect meals

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🍳 1.) Perfect Breakfast

- 4-6 egg whites + 2 whole eggs
- 1 serving of oatmeal
- 1 banana
525 calories, 38 g protein, 59 g carbs, 15 g fat

💡 Why?

Eggs - the universal basis of bodybuilding, but also easy to digest protein, giving the muscles a boost to growth. Porridge contains energy-rich carbohydrates, and bananas contain fructose and potassium which support glycogen formation in the liver and muscles to minimize the breakdown of muscle fibers.

📝 Note hardgainers (those who are gaining weight):

Oatmeal can be replaced by porridge.

📝 Note the fat burners:

Use whole eggs instead of only egg whites, that way you will minimize calories and fats at Breakfast. Also replace the banana one Cup strawberries or other fruit with less carbohydrate.

🍛 2.) A perfect lunch

170-250 grams of lean beef
2 cups of pasta and durum
¾ Cup broccoli
700 calories, 60 g protein, 83 g carbs, 13 g fat

💡 Why?

For building muscles there is nothing better than meat, it contains creatine, all the necessary amino acids, and a full range of b vitamins, furthermore, it rich in iron - a catalyst for energy production. Pasta contains carbohydrates, which are so essential for energy and broccoli creates connections that support the balance of fats in the body.

📝 Note hardgainers:

Choose just low-fat, not lean beef (about 10% -15% fat). Excess fat and calories will slow down the burning of glycogen and protein, which improve muscle growth.

📝 Note the fat burners:

Watch the intake of carbohydrates during lunch: eat only 1 Cup of pasta and a double portion of broccoli, it will give you some calories and high in fiber - so you can control calories and hunger.

🍨 3.) The perfect pre-workout snack

(An hour before workout)

- 1 Cup of fat free cottage cheese
- 4 slices of rye bread with 2 tablespoons of grape jam
532 calories, 35 g protein, 89 g carbs, 4 g fat


During your workout protein from cottage cheese hits the blood and stops muscle breakdown. Grape jam gives sugar, which raises insulin, also minimizing the destruction. Rye bread is a slow carbohydrate that prevents reduction of blood sugar levels.

📝 Note hardgainers:

Put it in as a supplements another half a Cup of rice.

📝 Note the fat burners:

Just cottage cheese may be enough, at least eat a slice of rye bread.

🍲 4.) The perfect snack at any time

(A sandwich made of Turkey)

- 2 slices whole wheat bread
- 2-3 plates low-fat cheese
3-4 plates Turkey breast
- mustard
316 calories, 36 g protein, 34 g carbohydrates, 4 g fat

💡 Why?

Convenience and much-needed sixth meal of the day. A balanced combination of protein, carbohydrates and fat in this sandwich is perfect for building your muscles.

📝 Note hardgainers:

Have a glass of skim milk and eat a piece of fruit, if your metabolism is above average.

📝 Note the fat burners:

Choose bread with a low carb diet to keep calories under control.

🍗 5.) The perfect dinner

- 1 chicken breast (220 g)
- 1 Yam (sweet potato or sweet potato)
603 calories, 69 g protein, 61 g carbohydrates, 7 g fat

For a set of some rice or other complex carbohydrates
For burning only chicken breast and vegetables/herbs


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