Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Cocktail of beauty 🍹

A refreshing drink especially good for us with you, ladies! So many nutrients in it that can rightfully call it a cocktail of beauty, and it’s actually true!

If you have not sold ready-made from the whey of milk, then cook it yourself.

To a liter of boiled or pasteurized milk, warmed to lukewarm, add 1 tablespoon sour cream or yogurt, cover clean marlechkoy and leave in a warm kitchen for about 12-24 hours. Once all the milk will curdle and you will see dense clumps of sour milk in a jar, the yogurt is ready! Heat it until the formation of a clot of curds, strain through a thick cloth. The cheese will be useful for other purposes, and the resulting serum refrigerate.

There is a way and easier in 1 l of warmed boiled milk to pour the juice of 1 lemon, immediately stir and strain. Only then do not add lemon juice in the cocktail.

Add to 0.5 liters of whey 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.

Stir and drink immediately.

After a week of regular intake of this delicious cocktail, you won’t recognize yourself in the mirror! The skin takes on a fresh appearance as it becomes more elastic. But if you drink it instead of dinner, and figure to improve.

1. Milk take the non-greasy, ideally, 0,5% fat.

2. If you bought a Tetrapak, to boil the milk is not necessary - just heat it until warm.

3. The yield of serum is different every time, but a pint is obtained accurately, and the extra you can freeze. But the cheese obtained in this case also goes for the future. It can freeze, and when you accumulate enough to cook cheesecakes, quiches and more.

4. Comfort from the use of serum is very individual.
If You have problems digesting dairy products (although it is usually difficult to digest whole milk and not skim, which is a serum), then try for the first time in the day and small portion.

Generally the serum is prescribed to people suffering from dysbiosis and vitamin deficiency (a simple symptom - of the nails) - very good results!

And the head to wash it it’s great to put on hair for 20 minutes, wrap the compress, then rinse with a neutral shampoo.

And recommend to take a bath - on a normal amount of water 1 - 1.5 liters of serum. Water temperature 37-38 °, time of 15-20 minutes. The skin is just like velvet!


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