Tuesday, June 7, 2016



1. If it loses the elasticity of the chin and neck, have folded in several layers of gauze wet in salt solution (1 tsp per Cup of water) and apply on problem areas, on top to make the dressing from a dry bandage. Keep for half an hour. To do so 2 times per week. This will compress well obviousley tighten the skin.
The skin on the neck responds well to sea salt. After a day at sea, the neck always looks perfect.

2. Roll out yeast dough, stretch and place on neck for 30 minutes. This mask perfectly tightens the skin. To do this mask a day before bedtime for one month. Effect toned skin will remain for six months. Then repeat. Can be used for the face.

3. From the wrinkles on the neck will allow the warm mashed potato to which is added 1 tsp. glycerin and 1 hour. L. olive oil. Puree is spread on a cloth, applied to the neck, on top of the wrap and scarf. Keep the compress for 15-20 min, then rinse with warm water. The folds will disappear after a few of these compresses.

Elixir for neck

Stir in 1 Cup of water 1 tbsp lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of rubbing alcohol and 1 tsp salt. Clean the neck from dirt and apply with a cotton swab prepared mixture. Do not rinse it. When the neck dries, gently, with fingertips, beat the cream. Do this procedure 3 times in a week and a month later your neck is in excellent condition.


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