Saturday, March 19, 2016

11 reasons there are pistachios

1. C 3 g fiber 30 g of nuts pistachios hold the palm among the most fiber-rich nuts. Eating small portions of nuts every day helps your body to cleanse!

2. Health properties of pistachios are recognized worldwide. In India, pistachios are prized for their nutritional value, consumed as a snack to keep warm in winter. In China, pistachios are called “happy nuts” while in Iran “smiling”.

3. Protein, fiber and fatty acids found in pistachios, can help us to feel a burst of energy before workouts. After exercise they help the body to recover without overloads, as they contain significant amount of minerals and electrolytes. These substances help us feel restored. In addition, for people who are on a diet, pistachios are an excellent alternative to foods with high sugar content.

4. Pistachio - walnut with rich content of vitamin B6, it helps to concentrate. 30 grams of pistachios contains as much of this vitamin as two servings of avocado, and more antioxidants than in a Cup of green tea.

5. Pistachios contain phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and iron, which help us to stay on task and maintain attention.

6. Pistachio - a source of lutein and zeaxanthin, which help prevent eye disease. Both of these substances the body produces naturally. A regular consumption of pistachios will Supplement the necessary number of beneficial to the eyes substances in the body.

7. 30 grams of pistachios contains so much vitamin B6, as two servings of avocado, and more antioxidants than in a Cup of green tea.

8. Pistachios are one of the least nutritious nuts are only 100 calories in 30 pistachios (the same is contained in 14 almond nuts and cashew nuts 11).

9. Pistachios help to feel saturation, as before use, we clean them. In addition, seeing the pile of peel on the table, you can control the amount that you just ate.

10. As a product good for the heart, pistachios help reduce cholesterol because they contain unsaturated fatty acids and plant sterols.

11. Pistachios contain small amounts of saturated fats and rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, which make them an ideal snack food for people who follow a strict diabetic diet.


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