Sunday, March 20, 2016

Your super diet!

Diet and products on the weight!

Essential amino acids more iron than any other meat. Plus plenty of creatine that promote muscle gain and simultaneous fat burning. All in one bottle. More precisely, the plate.

Pasta is 1 of the best sources so you need post-workout carbs. They replenish energy. And about the sauces for pasta: tomato vegetable with minced meat - a good option for weight gain, and cream, bacon and fatty cheese - not very.

3. Cottage CHEESE
This is 1 of the best products that improve power characteristics. All thanks to Latino - amino acid, which in cheese very much. In addition, the cheese - product at the same time very hearty, inexpensive and rich in protein. Rustic cheese from the market, of course, better and tastier than store-bought. Well, try to keep the fat content was not more than 9%.

80% of your muscle is water. So without it anywhere. Drink regularly and gradually throughout the workout to constantly replenish lost through sweat and breath moisture. Lack of moisture will not allow your muscles to grow normally, and generally the body will function normally.

This is the most lean of all types of meat: fat here at least, but up to 50% of the total weight of a carcass can be protein. Phosphorus in it as much as the fish.

Most importantly their dignity - of course, the ease of preparation. Welded Yes ate. But we are more concerned about what in eggs is rich in protein and vitamin D, which is essential for the health of ligaments. Not too heavy on the fried eggs and omelets for Breakfast: 10 eggs a week is the maximum that you can afford without harm to health.

This cereal is especially rich in amino acids that stimulate muscle growth, but carbs not so much. Bonus - buckwheat strengthens the circulatory system, and in actively practicing it operates in a very intense mode. Eat buckwheat at least a couple times a week.

Along with cottage cheese canned tuna is a simple, inexpensive and effective protein snack for high-performance of astenika. In addition to the protein in the flesh of this fish is almost nothing. If I cooked him pasta - will do well, combining the right proteins with the right carbs.

Perhaps the only undeniably useful product of the entire line of sports supplements on weight. If you follow the recommendations on the package, do not forget about the main power and right doing, how you were a rotting cadaver, weight will gain quickly and correctly.


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