Tuesday, June 14, 2016

How to make an ointment for fungus


the fungus is afraid of the vinegar…
Take 2 raw eggs, preferably from their chickens, put them in a half-liter jar and fill with 70% acetic acid so that it covers the contents of the can. Put in a dark place, not in refrigerator, for 10 days. During this time the shell has dissolved. Once that happens, remove the eggs from the jar, but not by hands, and a fork. Put them in a bowl, add 200 g butter, after taking it out of the fridge and razmerchik. With a fork mash the eggs and mix with oil to obtain a homogeneous mixture as the sour cream. There also pour 3-4 tablespoons of acid from the banks, where lay eggs. Acid can be used many times, adding as needed. Get bulk jar medicines. If the legs are affected much in the first month at night, washing their feet and wiping them dry, lubricate the tool affected areas. Allow the ointment to dry for about five minutes, it absorbs quickly, put on socks and go to bed.
Don’t be afraid, everything is tested on myself, the result is amazing. Forget about itching between toes no rash, white patches, the heels will become smooth. Disappear cracks and will no longer peel off the skin on the feet. In the early days smear every day, as soon as you feel that the ointment helped and everything goes, and anoint once a week. End portion, cook another. Cheap and cheerful! Ointment store in refrigerator. Good luck!


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