Thursday, March 31, 2016

Oatmeal scrub and mask

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comAfter the skin soft , silky , tender… mmmm from the first application ScrubPT. spoon ( with slide ) oatmeal + a small coffee Cup of warm milk + teaspoon of sour cream. All this mix thoroughly and leave for 5 minutes. After spread on the face and RUB in circular motion leaving on 10 minutes before the first signs of drying. Wash with warm water , then cold. Then a moisturizing or nourishing cream. After this mask, even...

Exercises to lose fat from stomach and sides

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comAfter 3 months of regular training associates will throw admiring glances at you and girlfriends will envy ask how you managed so quickly to make the figure beautiful.1. Squats. Start with 20 sit-UPS. Back straight, abdominal muscles tense.2. Inclinations in the parties. 20 times with several approaches.3. Lying on the floor on your side raise legs to 90 ° to the torso. Of 20 reps on each side for multiple approaches....


http://medicine-art.tumblr.comVery simple and effective diet!In addition to the quick loss of pounds and normalizes metabolism, heals the skin and hair, significantly reduced cellulite.A year after CHILDBIRTH (think a sore subject for most women) my weight has stopped on a mark of 74 (height 168), to be honest not very satisfied, but I also breastfeed, WHICH can be diet!!!But decided to try at least 2 times a day following simple recipe:1 Cup yogurt...

Chicken soup with egg

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comIngredients for 4 liters:- 0,8-1 kg of chicken- 1 onion- 1 carrot- 4-5 potatoes- 2 eggs- green- salt, pepperPreparation: 1. Chicken cut into pieces, add water, put to boil the broth. 2. When the water boils, reduce the heat so the water is not heavily seethed to collect the foam. 3. Let boil for 5-10 minutes. Peel, dice potatoes and add to broth. 4. While the potatoes with chicken is cooking, peel onions and carrots,...


http://medicine-art.tumblr.comPros: smells good, leaves skin soft and velvety, available to all!, natural, natural ingredients, tightens the skin, improves color of the skin, a good exfoliating qualities, massages and cleans wellRecipe: Honey (not necessarily liquid, and sugared, most importantly slightly melt it) Add to honey-sea salt - whatever you like.There also grated cinnamon (powder). And most important - for last. This is ground coffee. What...


http://medicine-art.tumblr.com1. With Apple and cinnamon.Very finely chop one Apple and pour 500 ml hot water, 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon, cool and drink throughout the day.The combination of apples and ground cinnamon will help to normalize metabolism and clean the digestive tract.2. On the basis of lemon juice, ginger and honey.2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice mix with 200 ml warm water, 1 teaspoon of natural honey, a pinch of ground...

Tea with cinnamon and Bay leaves will help to lose weight

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comTea from cinnamon and Bay leaf refers to herbal infusions used to speed up the process of weight loss. It turns out that both of these spices have the ability to positively influence the digestive system, using Bay leaves and cinnamon for weight loss faster you will get rid of extra pounds.Ingredients:1 litre of water1 stick cinnamon5 Bay leavesPreparation:To prepare this tea, or rather, the infusion of Bay leaf and...

Combine colors correctly

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comCombine colors correctly. 30 flowers from white to black. Add this article to your wall, will come in handy :)1. White: goes with everything. The best combination with blue, red and black.2. Beige: with blue, brown, emerald, black, red, white.3. Grey - base color that goes well with capricious colors: fuchsia, red, purple, pink, blue.4. Pink with brown, white, color mint green, olive, gray, turquoise, pale blue.5. Fuchsia...

Signs of lack of vitamins: Fatigue, fatigue, reduced immunity, especially to colds, the fragility of blood vessels, frequent bruises on skin, bleeding gums, poor healing of cuts and wounds, impaired iron absorption, in severe cases, scurvy - Lack of vitamin C (Ascorbic acid).- Decreased visual acuity, especially at dusk, thinning, dryness. skin peeling, dryness inside of the vagina, acne, abrasions, damage to the structure and growth of hair,...

What to do if hair fall out? Another recipe

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comWhat to do if hair fall out? Another recipe.In difficult times we live in. All the time rushing somewhere, trying to do everything, and constantly find yourself adventure on the… head ) Stress, poor diet, terrible tap water, sun, wind, rain… all affect our bodies and he gives us to understand all sorts of ways. Someone exfoliate your nails, someone may not output the inflammation on the skin, and I have it begin to creep...

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

My legs no longer turns

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comA few years ago at night twisted and turned feet - did not know where and how to put them. The result - sleepless nights, lack of sleep, tiredness and irritability. And because feet are our support for life. But I’ve found for my feet treatment. In a basin or bucket to pour 2-3 litres of warm water, dissolve the Laundry soap (toilet not good!), that water was as white as milk. Added a handful of baking soda and sea salt...

Homemade beauty products with olive oil ✔

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comOlive oil is part of many cosmetics. It can efficiently be used in home cosmetics.✔ Mask for skin elasticity1 tablespoon of olive oil mixed with 2 tablespoons grated cheese and 1 teaspoon of honey, grind well and apply on face for 20 minutes, then rinse with a tampon wetted in warm water.✔ Compress, anti-aging for aging skinHeat the olive oil in a water bath, soak the gauze, folded in several layers and put on face....

Homemade sprays for dry hair

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comSprays for dry hair, homemade, make dry straighten the split ends and give your hair Shine! Try these simple but effective recipes, and make sure in their action!Spray for effective hair strengthening250 ml of decoction of chamomile, 20 drops of linseed oil, 5 drops of any essential oil. All the ingredients are thoroughly mix. Spray stored no more than 1 month. The spray is available to spray dry the strands of her hair,...

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Folk remedies for improving cerebral circulation

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comFolk remedies for improving brain blood circulation. The cerebral circulation Hypertension and atherosclerosis are the two main reasons leading to the violation of cerebral circulation.It is because they develop paralysis, drops vision, loss of coordination, impaired movement, a stroke occurs.Chronic vascular disease of the brain called dyscirculatory encephalopathy.Its symptoms develop slowly and are not always visible...

Healing infusions to recuperate

http://medicine-art.tumblr.com1. Put in an enamel saucepan apricots 3 PCs., prunes 5 PCs, figs 3 PCs., raisins 1 tbsp, 2 apples, 2 slices of lemon. All this to cover with water and boil for 5-10 minutes on low heat. To eat for Breakfast.2. One egg yolk is diluted with juice of lemon or orange, add 1 tsp of honey. To eat for Breakfast.3. Make a mixture of equal parts wheat, oats, barley. To grind grain in a coffee grinder, pour warm water at the rate...

Inexpensive and effective remedies for cellulite

http://medicine-art.tumblr.com1. Apple cider vinegar from stars and cellulite on legs: RUB the legs from the knee up to the thigh in the evening after a shower every day. 2 weeks stars should be significantly posvetlet, no irritation is not observed, only the smell. 2. Acetic wraps cellulite: Apple cider vinegar and water bred 1:1. You can add lemon oil, peppermint or rosemary. To the areas affected by cellulite, applied a mixture, then they turn...

Cystitis and folk remedies.

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comCystitis and folk remedies.Why doctors recommend the use of herbs?Infusions, tinctures, decoctions and extracts of medicinal plants can be useful if:- attack of cystitis occurred in a pregnant or lactating women, for which most antibiotics are contraindicated;- developed chronic cystitis, and antibiotics does not give effect because of the immunity of bacteria;- during treatment of acute cystitis, the results are still...


http://medicine-art.tumblr.com1. Add a vase of flowers (peonies, for example) a few drops of vodka and a teaspoon of sugar, and you will extend their life.2. To safely remove firmly adhering adhesive tape, moisten it with alcohol with a cotton swab. The vodka will quickly dissolve the sticky layer. 3. In order to quickly get rid of cold sores, wipe it with a soaked vodka with a cotton swab.4. In the same way you can reduce the pain from burns jellyfish,...


http://medicine-art.tumblr.com1. BeefBeef is full of zinc, which raises testosterone levels in the body. And testosterone promotes muscle growth like nothing else in the world. This, roughly speaking, and are all men from the boys. And in the beef a lot of creatine, which is involved in the synthesis of ATP (remember that biology lesson? Adenozintrifosfornoy acid), and it is also important to increase muscle mass. Well, and beef is, of course, protein.2....

Monday, March 28, 2016


http://medicine-art.tumblr.comBeef - Queen products for building muscle mass. Why we so confidently say? Let us not hesitate and call 9 reasons why you need to eat beef bodybuilders and lifters.Beef = creatineBeef is particularly effective to increase strength and muscle mass because it contains the highest amount of creatine than any other food. Creatine is the energy source for the muscles used during training.Beef = carnitineCarnitine is necessary...

Training program for girls

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comTraining software for girls. Swing legs.1.Warm-up: Jogging on the treadmill for 20 minutes.2.Superset: leg extension machine - 20 reps and leg press - 20 reps. Just 3 sets. Rest between sets is 1 minute.3.Superset: squats with dumbbell - 25 reps and lower leg in the sitting exerciser - 12-15 reps. Just 3 sets. Rest between sets is 1 minute.4.Superset: lying leg curl each leg alternately - 20 repetitions and two legs...

Great lifting for the face and neck Budget find from Flaxseed

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comTotal total 12 treatments and you yourself do not know!… so good will be your appearance.In our family, women have long paid special attention to flax. And for good reason. Flax has a lot of useful properties about these properties, written many articles, both in Internetе and in various magazines, but how often to most people it is easier to shell out money on expensive cosmetics than to use natural and inexpensive...


http://medicine-art.tumblr.com1 tablespoon green tea pour 2 cups of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes to infuse. Then filter the tea and wash out them clean hair. Do not rinse. Hair conditioner green tea give softness, silkiness and Shine.Tea for hair lossA strong infusion of tea and RUB this mixture into the hair roots every night, for 10 days. This recipe will not only prevent hair loss but also will stimulate their growth.Rinse for oily hair...

How to pump up the trapezius muscle?

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comFor a detailed understanding of the technique of exercises on the trapeze, you should understand their function, why does it make sense to consider in detail the structure of these muscles. Located in the upper back, they bring together 3 groups of powerful muscles: deltoid, latissimus and spinal muscles of the neck, forming a flat triangle. The trapezius muscles work in three directions: the upper part of the trapezius...

Ginger for stunning skin!✔

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comUseful properties of ginger appreciate all the more people - it has antiseptic, antioxidant and soothing properties. It is added to drinks and meals, not only because of its delicate taste and fresh smell, but also because of its extraordinary use.Why not use them for our beauty?Most interesting is that the ginger from the huge number of its beneficial properties very versatile for any skin type!ATTENTION! Ginger can...


http://medicine-art.tumblr.com1. Avocado and orangeStudies have been conducted, during which it became clear that in humans suffering from visceral obesity, contains a huge amount of stress hormone cortisol. It turned out that cortisol decreases the rate of metabolism and thereby leads to the deposition of dangerous visceral fat.The vitamin C contained in oranges, and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids found in avocados that help to reduce the level...

Natural juices to cleanse the body

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comThe juices of some fruits and vegetables (and sometimes other plants) is very useful for your body! They eliminate toxins, and there’s nothing like natural products to give your body energy. In this article we will tell you about the most popular juices that you can drink in a given situation.Tomato juicePut five or six ripe tomatoes of medium size, put the juice in the fridge and drink a glass every day in the evening...

This is very helpful!

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comThree-liter Bank of vitamins, minerals and ballast substances for cleansing the digestive system!Need.1 forks of cabbage, 1 tbsp salt 3 medium carrots, 1 Apple, 2 onions, 2 cloves of garlic 100-150 g of washed raisins, 0.5 liters of water, ½ Cup sugar, ½ Cup of vegetable oil, 100 ml of 6% vinegar.The method of preparation.- Take middle forks of white cabbage, chop, sprinkle with salt and lightly mash with your hands.-...

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Pineapple liqueur slimming�

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comOn average minus 3 kg per week without dieting and limitations.Buy a good pineapple, a large, orange and fragrant, so that the smell even through the skin entices, and vodka - 0, 5 liters.Next, carefully, with a brush, wash the pineapple to peel was clean - it might come in handy. Then cut the plates and the bottom. And fruit goes into the combine, or at worst, in a meat grinder together with peel.The resulting slurry...

Diet after birth how to lose weight after giving birth

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comHow to lose weight after giving birth - a question that plagues many women, therefore to help mothers have given birth recently developed the diet after childbirth, which will reduce accumulated during your pregnancy pounds.The main thing is to eat balanced. Daily you can consume 1200 calories, and when your weight returns to normal, you will be able to add to the diet 500 calories. Diet for weight loss after birth lasts...


http://medicine-art.tumblr.comTHE HEAT FROM COLDA pint of water with milk, sugar and 1 tsp ground cardamom to reduce the temperature ofHEADACHE0,5 tsp. dried ginger + a little hot water to form a paste. Paste put on the forehead. May be a slight burning sensation: it is not harmful.BACK PAINA compress of ginger paste (mol. ginger + water)SORE THROATRinse the glass in hot water infused with sageBLACKHEADS, PIMPLES1 tablespoon of aloe juice + a quarter...

The cleaning of the face from black spots:

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comSave yourself ✔Homemade face cleaning blackhead involves not only the use of masks and scrubs for deep pore cleansing �▫ ProteinBeat egg white, mix with sugar (1 tablespoon) until it dissolves.▫ With aloeBeat egg white, mix with lemon juice (2 teaspoons) and juice of leaves of aloe (2 teaspoons). Beat with a mixer.▫ Soda lotionsSoda (one half teaspoon) mixed with fine salt (half-teaspoon), diluted with a drop of water...

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Liver cleansing with oats

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comThis old recipe liver cleanse oats come to us from the Urals, it is designed for the most persistent people who want to be “sterile clean”. The deposition of salts in the joints, sand, stones of liver, kidney, spleen, pancreas, lymph - it all leaves your body.For this Cup oats (not flakes), wash with warm water, pour into the pan. To the same place two tablespoons of crushed dried or fresh leaves, cranberries, two tablespoons...


http://medicine-art.tumblr.com1. Products of white color - milk and diary products, rice, garlic, cabbage - soothe, relieve irritability and eliminate through the kidneys toxic substances.2. Green foods (broccoli, lettuce, green peas, green pepper) have a positive effect on brain activity, relieve nervous tension. Chlorophyll, which is produced in green plants under the influence of solar energy, stimulates the formation of useful red blood cells...

8 secrets to use eyeliner

http://medicine-art.tumblr.com8 secrets of using eyeliner.Eyeliner or eyeliner is indispensable for creating attractive and seductive look. Thanks to the contours of the eyes become deep and expressive, eyelashes thicker, and the make up is more spectacular. But here, as in any business, just don’t overdo it.☝➕ 1. To avoid messy lines, you must first stroke of eye pencil or eyeliner, and then apply eye shadow and mascara.➕ 2. The contour must always...

A decoction of herbs to strengthen the blood vessels

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comThe broth on the basis of a combination of herbs will allow you to strengthen the blood vessels, it is especially important for people with diabetes and vegetative-vascular dystonia, as well as all those who suffer from headaches from tension and stress.Healing herbal teas - a unique recipe:Must be mixed in equal proportions motherwort, St. John’s wort, Valerian root and lemon balm leaves, two tablespoons of herbs pour...

Friday, March 25, 2016

Menu nutrition:

http://medicine-art.tumblr.com7.00 -7.30 Breakfast choice- steamed oatmeal with grated ablecom, cinnamon and honey- easy omelet with herbs- 2 cheesecakes with yoghurt sauce- cottage cheese with sour cream- buckwheat porridge with 1 tomato.9.00 - 9.30 brunch on choice- any 1 fruit- yoghurt without additives- 2 eggsfreshly squeezed vegetable juice11.00-12.00 Snack to choose- baked Apple with cottage cheese- a glass of kefir- fruit salad- berries.13.30-14.30...

Useful pate with chicken and carrots

http://medicine-art.tumblr.com100 gr - 98 kcalPFC-15\3\3Ideal for a quick snack: sandwiches with terrine will inspire energy and overcome hunger!Ingredients:- 1 chicken breast- 2-3 large carrots (350 g)- 1 small onion- 3 boiled eggs,pepper, dill, salt- Apple cider vinegarPreparation:1. Carrot peel and cut into several parts.2. In a saucepan put chicken breast and carrots. Add water, salt and, if desired, put the peppercorns.3. Cook at low boil 30...

Get rid of daytime sleepiness forever!

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comPrepare magical ginger tea. It improves circulation, tones, protects against colds and warms, stimulates the digestion, thins the blood. Also effective in atherosclerosis and helps get rid of cough. Activates the metabolism,strengthens the immune system. Promotes the excretion of toxins from the entire body. It has many useful properties, but the main thing is ginger tea relieves constant drowsiness and unexplainable...

Self-massage for stress and pain

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comOriental massage is an exciting and healthy activity like martial arts. Talk about the main ways to quickly relax and to relieve mild headache or to lighten the mood.As said Daniel Palmer, massage is the best thing 1 person can do to another. Add - and yourself. Over time I more and more convinced that massage is a natural need, like food and sleep. Otherwise how else to explain that all of us several times a day instinctively...

Almost a panacea

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comAlmost a panacea…As do the Chinese.Further, the text of the author. I have a rare time-honoured recipe that I want to share with you. This recipe from so many diseases. And he came to me quite by accident. We were with a friend at the exhibition of cosmetics. The whole day went. All very interesting. But were tired and decided to drink tea with sandwiches. A friend pulled out a thermos. Sit, drink. Crouch down next to...

In the summer you can collect all that will replace aspirin and paracetamol in the winter!

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comAntipyretic and diaphoretic remedies.Collection No. 1.The buds and leaves of black currant.3 tablespoons (in the ratio 1:2) pour 1 liter of boiling water, to insist 2 hours, strain. Take in the form of heat in the 100-150 ml 3 times a day.Collection No. 2. Raspberries - 2 tablespoons, leaves mother-and stepmother - 2 tablespoons, grass oregano - 1 tbsp, mix.2 tbsp. spoon mixture brew 2 cups boiling water, boil 5 minutes,...

After 3 months of regular training associates will throw admiring glances at you and girlfriends will envy ask how you managed so quickly to make the figure so beautiful

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comAfter 3 months of regular training associates will throw admiring glances at you and girlfriends will envy ask how you managed so quickly to make the figure beautiful.Exercises for removing fat from the abdomen and flanks1. Squats. Start with 20 sit-UPS. Back straight, abdominal muscles tense.2. Inclinations in the parties. 20 times with several approaches.3. Lying on the floor on your side raise legs to 90 ° to the...


http://medicine-art.tumblr.comSprinkle this salt can be anything you like: salads, omelettes,scrambled eggs, boiled eggs and so on. Flax salt and sesame seeds for health is insanely useful, and its recipe is quite simple.The beneficial properties of linseed with sesame salt.Lowers cholesterol and blood sugar.Prevents the loss of bone mass of the skeleton.Helps to control weight.Improves digestion and prevents constipation.Strengthens the immune system.Struggling...

Thursday, March 24, 2016


http://medicine-art.tumblr.comNow your skin needs special care: santiapillai summer left a not very pleasant traces. Generous gifts of autumn restore skin elasticity and radiance.- Melon “fed” for dry and normal skin of the face and neck. 2 tbsp. spoon melon pulp mix with 1 tbsp honey and 1 tbsp. a spoon of sour cream. Apply on clean face, neck and décolleté half an hour, wash off with warm water and apply a cream.- Healing cocktail pumpkin for fresh...

Look 50 years at 30 may!

http://medicine-art.tumblr.comCosmetic surgery for the return of lost youth - not cheap. But stay well-groomed and attractive in this age the strength of each woman.There are women who are exchanging fifty dollars, continues to attract admiring glances of men. What’s the secret? And restful sleep and Stressless work and proper nutrition, and weekly trips to Russian bath, etc. for all that in the Arsenal that women is always an cream, which she prepares...

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