Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Homemade sprays for dry hair

Sprays for dry hair, homemade, make dry straighten the split ends and give your hair Shine! Try these simple but effective recipes, and make sure in their action!

Spray for effective hair strengthening

250 ml of decoction of chamomile, 20 drops of linseed oil, 5 drops of any essential oil. All the ingredients are thoroughly mix. Spray stored no more than 1 month. The spray is available to spray dry the strands of her hair, twice, three times a day. Dry hair will brighten up and will soon become beautiful and shiny.

Spray for very dry hair

15 ml of mineral water 2 tablespoons lemon juice 10 drops of any essential oil. All the ingredients are thoroughly mix. Stored spray no more than 1 week. Using this spray twice a day, you’ll provide dry hair optimal moisture and make them obedient.

Spray for easy combing and silky

You can use extracts of nettle, chamomile, mint, green tea and succession with 2 ml of any essential oil. Make 100 ml of tincture extracts, add essential oil. The spray must be used after washing hair. Before use, shake.

Lemon spray with mineral water for hair styling

1 Cup mineral water, 1 lemon, 2 drops of alcohol. Lemon cut into slices, place in a saucepan, pour some glass of water and put on fire. Boil to reduce liquid by half. Strain, add the alcohol. Before styling your hair liberally aerosolize the spray on hair.


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