Saturday, March 19, 2016

9 most effective exercises to burn fat and acceleration of metabolism:

1. Squats
Stand up straight, hands pull forward. The chest forward, keep your back arched. Move the hips back as if you are trying to sit on a chair and bend your knees. Squat down as low as possible.Tighten your glutes and return to start position.

2. Lunges
One of the best leg exercises that should be in your program. There are many variations of this exercise, but will work effectively any option. Just set one foot forward as shown in the photo, at the same time bending both knees until parallel with the floor, and get down to the bottom. Then return to the starting position and repeat with the other leg.

3. Climbing stairs
At the gym, this exercise is often performed with dumbbells, and you can successfully perform it for losing weight at home. It is enough to take a high chair and a load, for example, a satchel with books.Put one foot on the step and lift from the second floor. Climb up. Lower the same leg back and return to the starting position. Repeat with the other leg.

4. Strap
This exercise is also called the horizon in push-up position, and it really helps to burn excess fat, you are absolutely not moving. The fact that during the stabilization of your body in one position, it engages many different muscles, which promotes weight loss.Just take the emphasis lying, as in the usual push-UPS or bending the arms at the elbow as in the photo.
Keep your back straight and tighten your abdominal muscles. Abstain in this position for at least 30 seconds. Then pause and repeat several times.

5. Pushups
I think this exercise are not required. The classic pushup is one of the best physical exercises in the home that develops the chest, shoulders, triceps, abdominals, lower back muscles and buttocks. Why do push UPS help lose weight? The fact that the more muscles activated, the more effective weight loss, as metabolism increases and more calories are burned.

6. The horizon on one leg
Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width.
Lift one leg back, the body tilt forward until parallel to the floor. Squeeze your buttocks and abdominal muscles. Keep your back curved. Hold this position for as long as you can, then go back and repeat with the other leg.

7. Jump up with lifting hands
For its implementation you just need to become straight, feet shoulder width apart, arms at his sides. Then jump up, simultaneously raising their hands up and legs wide apart, as shown in the photo.
return to the starting position from the jump.

8. Pushups lunge with hands up
Do ordinary push-UPS and when your hands are at the top point, lift your right arm up over his shoulder, at the same time expanding the body so that the body formed the letter T. Return to the starting position and repeat with left side.

9. Twisting the press
Classic exercise. Then do the normal way by lifting the body and legs up. At the top touch your fingers to your heels, then return to the starting position and repeat.


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