Folk remedies for improving brain blood circulation.
The cerebral circulation
Hypertension and atherosclerosis are the two main reasons leading to the violation of cerebral circulation.
It is because they develop paralysis, drops vision, loss of coordination, impaired movement, a stroke occurs.
Chronic vascular disease of the brain called dyscirculatory encephalopathy.
Its symptoms develop slowly and are not always visible not only to other people. Often the patient himself does not attach much importance to them. Think of it, was forgetful. Books and some uninteresting. It is difficult to learn a new computer software - so they are now only for “advanced” youth…
So he justifies himself, not trying to understand where confusion and a decline in interest, because performance at this level. And this level is often maintained at the expense of previous experience.
When a man becomes difficult to perform the usual duties, it is time to beat all the bells, when damage to the blood vessels of the brain is not treated, the time will come irreversible consequences. And all will end with premature intellectual impairment, which can progress rapidly, up to the state of helplessness.
Another consequence of chronic vascular diseases of the brain - impaired motor activity and especially walking. Festinating and shuffling gait - not the prerogative of old age. It can appear and the person is quite young, if disturbed cerebral circulation. Pain in the feet, he does not complain, paralysis of the limbs no, the balance is reduced, but the gait gives the diagnosis.
The reason is most often that you have high blood pressure sclerosis of small arteries, thus disrupted the normal blood supply to various parts of the brain.
Smoking, obesity, elevated levels of cholesterol in the blood - risk factors. To get rid of them in time.
Healing blend
To strengthen blood vessels, restore memory, restore brain blood circulation, improve immunity. Grind 500 g of cranberries (can be frozen), mix with a good 350 g of honey, add 1 small (approx 150 g) horseradish root finely grated. All beat with a mixer, pour into banks and put in the refrigerator. Take 3 times a day after meals, drinking hot tea, 2-3 teaspoon as a dessert. If you love sweeter and there are no contraindications, the dose of honey in the preparation of the mixture can be increased to 500 grams. (From Irina).
The periwinkle plant to improve blood flow
The periwinkle plant improves blood flow and microcirculation in brain vessels, and also prevents the deposition of atherosclerotic plaques in the walls of blood vessels, which is also important, especially with age. In addition, it is actively encouraged in Parkinson’s disease, the consequences of encephalitis, headaches and dizziness. But periwinkle is not only a vasodilator antisclerotic and the plant, as it had a nootropic effect, i.e. improves the functioning of the brain. From periwinkle at home you can cook drops in alcohol: 100 g of chopped herbs pour 1 liter of 70% alcohol. To insist 20 days in a dark place at room temperature. Drink 10 drops in the morning and afternoon with 1/3 Cup of water courses for 5-6 months. You can use prepared drops “Sclerosis”, which include the periwinkle and other “brain” herbs.
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