Thursday, March 17, 2016


The seller in a flower shop one day persuaded me to buy succinic acid, saying that this tool is amazing in stimulating the growth of plants and to overdo it with him is impossible.

At home, I have dissolved 1 g of powder per 5 l of water, watered and sprayed with a solution of all house plants.

The result was awesome! And became noticeable within a week:

- Marantaceae produced new leaves and shoots.
- Liked the dressing and begonias: Venezuela, for example, gave 4 powerful side shoots, increased flowering.
- The new pandanus leaves not only at the top, but from under the leaves of the first, second and third row.
- Aglaonemy released new sheets, gave some kids.
- Good growth of leaves gave cuttings of tangerine, rubber plants, Chlorophytum, peperomii, alokaziya, syngonium, oleanders.
- Prickly pear
First she tapasyasi spines, and then released a 12 of the side segments.
- Long Korenevskaya stalk the African portulacaria released 2 side shoots.
- Liked the “treats” the Decembrist, agave, AUX-rizona, picked up noticeably in the growth of leaves tolstyanok and groundsel.

Separately want to tell about application of succinic acid for cacti and succulents. I do not expect them to rapid growth, but was very surprised when, a month Haworthia released just 10 children.
- Cacti, too, were pleased.

However, re-introducing succinic acid the cacti and succulents do not advise that you can go back.
Apply the fertilizer should be one-time or repeat not more often than every 2 years.

Properties of succinic acid for plants

Because of the excellent natural disposition of succinic acid in nature, it does not pollute the environment. Therefore (and not only) it is often used for plants.

It is an excellent regulator of plant growth, improves the absorption of nutrients from the soil and helps plants to cope with various stresses.

Amber acid normalizes the natural microflora of the soil, the microorganisms that are present in it.

Processing plant acid increases resistance to adverse environmental influences.
Its application to the different parts of plants, respectively, stimulates growth: machining of roots - the root growth, the young shoots - the growth of new shoots.

Succinic acid is a wonderful product recovery plant.
It is treated before planting seeds and cuttings of various plants to enhance germination and increase stability.

Dosage of succinic acid

For preparation of working solutions, suitable for spraying and soaking 1 g of succinic acid dissolved in small amount of warm water. We make a strong solution of succinic acid.
The volume of the solution then cold water adjusted to 1 L. that is, it turned out to be the solution of 1 g on 1 l - a one per cent solution.

Next, to obtain 0.02% solution of succinic acid must be diluted with 200 ml of a one percent cold water to 1 L.

To obtain a 0.05% solution - 500 ml of a strong solution is adjusted to a liter of cold water.

Useful succinic acid and for the people.

Succinic acid stabilizes the nervous system, kidneys, intestines improves. Used for stress and as a means of anti-inflammatory and antitoxic.

For the treatment of anemia, sciatica, chronic diseases of the heart, blood vessels, arteriosclerosis and after a heart attack.

Perfectly neutralizes the alcohol in the blood. Just the morning after the feast, take a glass of water dissolved in a half tea spoons of succinic acid and you will immediately feel relief.


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