Sunday, March 27, 2016

The cleaning of the face from black spots:

Save yourself ✔

Homemade face cleaning blackhead involves not only the use of masks and scrubs for deep pore cleansing �

▫ Protein
Beat egg white, mix with sugar (1 tablespoon) until it dissolves.

▫ With aloe
Beat egg white, mix with lemon juice (2 teaspoons) and juice of leaves of aloe (2 teaspoons). Beat with a mixer.

▫ Soda lotions
Soda (one half teaspoon) mixed with fine salt (half-teaspoon), diluted with a drop of water and RUB it on the problem area.

▫ Oat lotion
Soda (one half teaspoon) mixed with cereal (1 tablespoon), diluted with water (a teaspoon) and RUB it on the problem area.

▫ Yogurt mask
Crushed cereal (tablespoon) mix with baking soda (one half teaspoon), diluted yogurt.

▫ With boric acid
Crushed in a coffee grinder oat flakes (a tablespoon) mixed with boric acid (three - 4 drops), diluted yogurt.

▫ Of cosmetic clay
White or blue cosmetic clay without any additives to dilute with water.

▫ Rice mask
Excellent cleanse your face from blackheads can be done with steamed rice. In the evening pour a Cup of rice two cups of boiling water. The next morning the rice mash and use as a scrub or mask.

▫ Coffee mask
Oat flakes grind in a coffee grinder (a teaspoon), mix with fine salt or sea salt (half-teaspoon), used coffee grounds (a teaspoon), ground beans (teaspoon) and sour cream (postolowo spoons).

▫ Herbal mask
Wipe problem areas with a tincture of chamomile or flax seed.
To get rid of blackheads forever, regularly clean the skin using one of these masks, follow a diet our diet and give up bad habits.


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