Thursday, March 31, 2016

What to do if hair fall out? Another recipe

What to do if hair fall out? Another recipe.

In difficult times we live in. All the time rushing somewhere, trying to do everything, and constantly find yourself adventure on the… head ) Stress, poor diet, terrible tap water, sun, wind, rain… all affect our bodies and he gives us to understand all sorts of ways. Someone exfoliate your nails, someone may not output the inflammation on the skin, and I have it begin to creep creepy hair. Sometimes it happens because of poor quality hair dye. This time, I think it’s in Ukrainian, but rather on Odessa, the water. Because after a trip to Odessa I have become a creepy crawl hair. My salvation is the mask, which the recipe with me a few years ago a colleague shared. And she and I regularly use this mask.

Once, after about a month of use, I got to my hairdresser. She was very much surprised by my family long hair thickly growing new ones ) So it really helps!

So, we need to take 1 tablespoon: - Laurel oil - Castor oil - Camphor oil - vitamin a (not in capsules, and liquids) - Almond oil (you can instead take any other, for example, grape, or parsley oil, or any other, will not be worse)) - Dimeksid - plus a couple of capsules At vitamin (this oil solution, it is convenient to dial into the syringe and squeeze in the total mixture)

All mix and put in a water bath to warm up. Here’s what the solar mixture is obtained. Just don’t over steep it on fire, and it can be very hard to burn yourself in this sun! RUB shoulders with an old towel, preferably cloth, which is then not a pity to throw out.RUB this mixture into your scalp. Put a bag on your head on top of something warm, unnecessary and old. Unnecessary and old - this is because the mixture may leak and stain it the warmest.

Walk at least 1 hour, and more. I can spread and to do household chores, so as not to waste time. Then it all should rinse thoroughly. Keep in mind that the mixture washed off easy - still so much oil you will be on your head.

Do all this at least for 1 month 1 time per week. More - possible - to no avail, only spend your time and nerves.

Do this mask at least 1 time a year, in spring. And, of course, out of necessity, like now.

After this, your hair will stop crawling, start to grow new, thick and silky.

Of the minuses: - half weekend spent on the mask - the mask is washed off hard - mask eats hair dye, natural hair color - if you dirty clothes, then wash her just. But all these downsides for me outweigh the pros. Because my hair is my treasure and my inheritance from my grandmother.


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