Thursday, March 24, 2016

Two week diet for a perfect figure:

General rule: 2-3 liters of water per day, increased physical activity, daily consumption of fat burning preparations beverages, refusal of food with high carbohydrate content.

1st day: in the morning you should eat two eggs, fruits and vegetables you can eat during the day in any quantity, try not to eat after 18 hours.

Day 2: during the need to eat only 500 grams of skim cottage cheese mixed with Apple or sour cream, you can drink 1 liter of kefir.

Day 3: for to drink 1 liter of kefir, fruit and vegetables can be consumed in any quantity.

Day 4: a pound of white fish fillet, 1 liter of yogurt, a bit of stewed vegetables.

Day 5: fasting day on yogurt and apples.

6th day: during the day you should eat 500 grams of low-fat cottage cheese with a not too greasy cream, you can drink up to 1 liter of yogurt.

7th day: vegetables in any quantity, in processed and fresh form.

Day 8: Breakfast scrambled eggs with 3 egg whites, 300-400 grams chicken breast, vegetable salads.

9th day: fasting day on apples.

10th day: 200 grams of fish, vegetables, salads, half a liter of yogurt.

11th day: two fried eggs, vegetable salads, half a liter of yogurt.

12th day: yogurt, vegetables and fruits without limits.

13th day: 300 grams chicken breast, cabbage salad, a liter of kefir.

Day 14: fasting day on the water.

Exercises to strengthen muscles, develop flexibility, and weight loss (only 10-15 minutes per day!)

Daily, perform the following exercises:

1. 60 accented tilt to the sides (left, right, forward, backward).

2. 40 twists on the floor (the drill press).

3. Accented 40 slow turns of the body (strengthening and development of the oblique abdominal muscles).

4. 30 sit-UPS (develop the muscles of legs, glutes and muscles of the stabilizers).


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