Friday, March 25, 2016

Menu nutrition:

7.00 -7.30 Breakfast choice
- steamed oatmeal with grated ablecom, cinnamon and honey
- easy omelet with herbs
- 2 cheesecakes with yoghurt sauce
- cottage cheese with sour cream
- buckwheat porridge with 1 tomato.

9.00 - 9.30 brunch on choice
- any 1 fruit
- yoghurt without additives
- 2 eggs
freshly squeezed vegetable juice

11.00-12.00 Snack to choose
- baked Apple with cottage cheese
- a glass of kefir
- fruit salad
- berries.

13.30-14.30 Lunch at your choice
- vegetable soup
cream soup of zucchini
vegetarian borscht
second choice
- Turkey fillet with vegetables
- white fish with vegetables

16.00-16.30 Snack to choose
- Apple
- cucumber salad with dill and sour cream
- fruit salad
- a handful of nuts

18.00-18.45 Dinner
- calamari rings with green vegetables
- vegetable salad with strips of Turkey breast grilled
vegetable kebab
salad mozzarella with tomatoes

- kefir
- the egg
- Apple


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