Friday, March 18, 2016

Exercises for the neck works wonders!

Just 4 exercises that seem trivial at first glance, with regular performance will help to tighten the skin of the neck, to normalize sleep and even get rid of pain in the cervical spine.

Exercises for neck will help to relieve tension in the future will save you from spending on expensive lifting procedures. And don’t forget, the condition of the muscles of the neck and chest, depends on the state of women’s bust, so don’t be lazy, take a few minutes a day for women’s health and beauty!

Exercises for the neck

♦ Stand up and straighten your back, keep your head straight, head looking up (starting position). Hands clasped to the castle, put on the crown, the head is slightly tilt forward, and then, resisting with your hands, try to return the head to its original position, count to 30 and relax, repeat again.

Once do exercise in front of a mirror, you will see how the muscles of the neck and you will understand why these exercises are so effective.

♦ Take the initial position, around the top head, put the palm of his left hand on the right ear. Slightly tilt your head to your left side and, resisting his hand, aim to return the head to its original position, count to 30 and relax, do the exercise again and repeat for the other side.

♦ Sit in a chair, support yourself with your hands in the seat, back should be smooth. Then rotten back, tilt your head back as far as possible and count to 30. Return to the starting position and then repeat the exercise again.

♦ Take the initial position, as in the first exercise. Turn your head left and look over your shoulder, count to 30, return to the starting position, do the exercise again and change direction.

That’s the whole exercises for the neck, just brain-dead , and effectively - extremely! Your task is not to be lazy and to do the exercises regularly, every day, the reward is a flexible, beautiful neck.


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