Friday, March 25, 2016

Self-massage for stress and pain

Oriental massage is an exciting and healthy activity like martial arts. Talk about the main ways to quickly relax and to relieve mild headache or to lighten the mood.

As said Daniel Palmer, massage is the best thing 1 person can do to another. Add - and yourself. Over time I more and more convinced that massage is a natural need, like food and sleep. Otherwise how else to explain that all of us several times a day instinctively grab yourself for different parts of the body and begin their hard (and awkwardly) to stretch? According to the teachings of Reiki, each knows the art of self-massage - after all, if we have a stomach ache, we did not hesitate to put the palm of your hand. In short, the secret healing power only need to send in the right direction. I will talk about the most basic and effective techniques from Tibetan and Chinese medicine.

The complex of self-massage for relaxation
1. Look downward on the floor, his head inclined slightly. After 2-3 minutes, close your eyes.
2. Gently hug yourself with hands at chest level. Slowly squeeze the hand until the fingers will not appear on the blades. Each finger in turn make intensive circular motion for 2-3 minutes.
3. Move the hands on the shoulders. 2-3 minutes to breathe slowly and closely monitor the breath: inhale through the nose - inflate the abdomen, exhaling through the mouth - stomach in. Inhaling heavily compress the shoulders.
4. Unclench hands. Put your index fingers respectively to opposite sides of the neck. Within 10 seconds press on the neck (at the pulse), then relax. Alternate 3-4 times.
5. Close both hands into the lock and put it on the back of his head. Press with your palms for 10 seconds, then abruptly let go. Repeat 5-7 times.
6. RUB in the palms of one drop of essential oil of lavender, take a deep breath and put your hands on the face so that they cover the eyes and lips. After a minute or two gently remove the palm.

The complex of self-massage to improve the tone
1. Forcefully shake hands. Then the fingers of one hand to intensively keep tapping the inner side of the other, moving from the elbow to the palm and back. Alternate 2-3 times.
2. 2-3 times raise and lower the shoulders. Then lightly tap on them with the fists, moving to neck and back. Repeat 10 times.
3. Tap fingertips on the back of his head, moving towards forehead and cheeks, then back. Repeat 4-5 times.
4. Cover ears with palms and abruptly let go. Then vigorously pinch them, moving from the lobe up. Repeat 4-5 times.
5. Strongly tap the edge of his hand on the forearm of the other hand, then change. Repeat 2-3 times.
6. Within 2-3 minutes vigorously massage the belly patting motion from the navel to the waist and back.

Complex for stress relief
1. Quickly RUB one palm on another, until you feel a strong heat. Then apply palm to face and hold for a minute or two. Breathe deeply and slowly.
2. RUB in the hand of one drop of essential oil of geranium. Connect your index fingers and within a minute they slowly massage the point between the eyebrows. According to Chinese medicine, stress accumulates in this area.
3. Then slowly spread the index fingers, moving along the eyebrows towards the temples. Within 15-20 seconds, press down lightly on the whiskey. Return the fingers to the bridge of the nose and repeat 3-4 more times.
4. Slightly tilt your head, put your thumbs on the base of the neck (in front) and forefinger under the earlobes. Circular motion, slowly massage the jaw, moving to her chin. Repeat 2-3 times. Here is the stomach Meridian, which also regulates anxiety.
5. Put one hand on the forehead and the other on your chin. Lightly press with both palms for 10 seconds. Then abruptly remove them from the face. Repeat 3 or 4 times.
6. Again RUB one palm on another and attach to face. Then, if you are home, slowly wipe face towel soaked in hot water, and if in the office - wash with warm water.

By the way, many Tibetan doctors claim that these techniques should not be limited to: skill (pardon the awkward pun), it is possible to learn some of premierpress or, at least, to burn yourself a longevity point zu-San-Li (see: “Acupressure for stress”). I’m really not sure it need to practice on their own. But what really should do is to buy gloves for acupuncture. And, massaging the hands, know exactly what you are stimulating the area of the heart or the head, but not the right heel.


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