Thursday, March 17, 2016

Expandable vocabulary

1. Glossophobia - the fear of public speaking.
2. Equivocation - ambiguous hints, evasion.
3. Deviant - man, not corresponding to the norm.
4. Catharsis - a change of consciousness through strong emotions.
5. Ataraxia - peace of mind, equanimity, serenity, wisdom.
6. Deprivation - feeling of failure to meet their needs.
7. AIOC - suddenly arising violent mental disorder.
8. Frustration is a period full of disappointment in life.
9. Palinmania - pathologically the frequent repetition of certain words or phrases in speech (e.g., “pancake”, “like”, “actually”).
10. Antimony - talk, empty talk (diluted antimonii).
11. Gatophobia - the fear of touching other people.
12. Mojo - initially African magical amulet (amulet) for good luck and happiness in modern cultures the word came to mean positive condition, something like, charming charisma, which, by the way, and you can lose.
13. The fetish - object-blind, unconscious of worship.
14. Destiny - depressed, melancholy mood.
15. Gestalt form or way, as a kind of holistic education and a fundamental principle of the psyche.
16. Freak people, characterized by bright, unusual, extravagant appearance and defiant behavior, as well as possessing extraordinary worldview, which is the result of a rejection of social stereotypes.
17. Zugzwang is a forced move in a chess game, making the situation of the player who made it. In a broad sense: a situation in which any actions only worsen the situation.
18. Frisson - goosebumps.
19. Extrovert - the one who is easier to talk about their feelings in text than in person.
20. Maxim - moral teaching.


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