Monday, March 28, 2016


1. Avocado and orange
Studies have been conducted, during which it became clear that in humans suffering from visceral obesity, contains a huge amount of stress hormone cortisol. It turned out that cortisol decreases the rate of metabolism and thereby leads to the deposition of dangerous visceral fat.
The vitamin C contained in oranges, and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids found in avocados that help to reduce the level of cortisol in the body and thereby prevent deposition of visceral fat.
Orange and avocado prevent the deposition of fat
Eat 3 oranges and 1 avocado per day.

2. Cottage cheese and greens
Low fat cottage cheese is rich in protein, which reduces hunger. In addition, the processing of protein our body spends a lot of energy.
Greenery is a source of coarse fibres, which are not absorbed in the body and swell, accumulate about 10-15% fat and render it out. In addition, fiber lowers the glycemic index of consumed products and thereby create a long feeling of satiety.
Low fat cottage cheese and herbs reduce the feeling of hunger.
Low fat cottage cheese with greens - one of the best meals for weight loss.
Eat 350 g of fat-free yogurt and 100 grams of greens per day.

3. Tuna and black pepper
Tuna contains arginine, an amino acid that participates in the production of growth hormone. Deficiency of growth hormone results in lower metabolic rate and fat storage in the body.
Black pepper contains piperine, a substance that stops the deposition of fat in the body.
Eat 100 g of tuna and 1 g of black pepper per day.


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