Sunday, March 20, 2016

Why you need to eat slowly?

We’re in a hurry and always somewhere in a hurry, eat Breakfast and lunch on the run, and dinner too in a hurry. And do not think that such haste is applied to the body is very great harm.

Most people are overweight because of habit to do everything on the go. Many people like to eat quickly, choosing mostly fatty and high-calorie food that offers you an abundance of fast food. Meanwhile, experts on healthy eating once again - have to eat slowly. And this is true for several reasons:

1. Slow eating will allow you to stabilize the weight and get rid of extra pounds. Scientists were able to prove that the signal of saturation enters our brain only after 20 minutes. Just imagine how much unnecessary food you eat in those 20 minutes!
2. If you eat slowly, you can get rid of heartburn and indigestion - that these illnesses suffer lovers quick bite to eat.
3. When you eat slowly, you chew every bite, and it promotes better digestion.
4. Dedicate yourself completely to the food, do not be distracted by the computer and the TV - then you get a nice meal. This is very important - you will be able to relax and time to understand that you are already satisfied.
5. Try to eliminate from your diet harmful products. And then automatically you oluchite and fast food. It is much nicer to have lunch in the office the food that you have brought from home than to run down the street with a hamburger in his hand.


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