Monday, March 21, 2016

Caesar special

on 100 - 82.33 kcal

IT - 8.09/4.77/2.2

Chicken - 150g
Cabbage - 150g
Tomatoes cherry-12 PCs
Cheese low-fat-about 40g
Nuts (almonds)- 10 PCs
Creamy cottage cheese -100 gr
Lemon juice-1.l
Seasoning for chicken
All-purpose seasoning

Chicken fillet wash, dry with towel and cut into small pieces, sprinkle with seasoning for chicken and let stand. While chop cabbage, tomatoes divide into 4 parts. Three cheese, half on a large grater, half into small.
Next, heat the frying pan, grease with a little olive. oil and fry the chicken pieces on both sides. As will be ready to put on the balcony or to give any other way to cool down)
While cooking the sauce-the cheese diluted with lemon juice and a little water, not thick. Universal add seasoning to taste.
Nuts to dry in the microwave, allow to cool and crush.
Spread on a plate cabbage,then tomatoes, cheese (coarsely shabby) , chicken(I’m really stripes cut), top with sauce and cheese(finely worn). To the top(instead of crackers) sprinkle with nuts.

Bon appetit!


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