Thursday, March 31, 2016

Signs of lack of vitamins:

- Fatigue, fatigue, reduced immunity, especially to colds, the fragility of blood vessels, frequent bruises on skin, bleeding gums, poor healing of cuts and wounds, impaired iron absorption, in severe cases, scurvy - Lack of vitamin C (Ascorbic acid).

- Decreased visual acuity, especially at dusk, thinning, dryness. skin peeling, dryness inside of the vagina, acne, abrasions, damage to the structure and growth of hair, lowered immunity, tendency to bronchial and pulmonary catarrhal diseases, disorders of reproductive function of the ovaries.- vitamin a deficiency (retinol).

- Increased nervous excitability and tendency to spasms of the muscles, especially the calf. The disturbance of growth and preservation of bones and teeth. The propensity for bone fractures and slow healing. Rickets in children, bone pain and hip fractures in older and old age. - Lack of vitamin D (calciferol).

- Cracks on lips and corners of the mouth (perleches, cheilosis); inflammatory changes of the skin (dermatitis) anemia - anemia, photophobia, impaired perception of different colours - the lack of B 2 (Riboflavin).

- Loss of appetite, irritability, nervous breakdowns. Depression, change of the mucous membranes of the tongue, skin, dermatitis, the appearance of the hands and feet age spots, headaches, increased susceptibility to dental caries, impaired hematopoiesis, anemia, predisposition to seizures, sclerotic vascular changes.- A lack of vitamin b 6 (pyridoxine).

- Poor appetite and sleep, irritability, fatigue, muscle weakness, impaired heart function, swelling.- The lack of vitamin B1 (thiamine).

- Increased tendency to the destruction of red blood cells, anemia - anemia, muscle weakness, there is a sharp headache, spasms of the legs. infertility - lack of vitamin E (tocopherol).

- Deterioration of blood clotting, bleeding tendency, including the abundant. - The lack of vitamin K.

- Lethargy, apathy, loss of appetite, sleep, irritability, nervousness, upset stool, pallor and dryness of the skin, inflammatory changes of the skin exposed to light - photodermatosis, palpitations, dizziness, exhaustion, painful weight loss - lack of PP (Niacin).

- Weakness, fatigue, anemia - anemia, a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, a disorder of the chair, during pregnancy - miscarriage, congenital malformation and development of newborns.- a lack of folic acid.

- Weakness, fatigue, dizziness, palpitations, anemia, degenerative changes in the nervous system.- B12 deficiency- (cobalmin).

- A burning sensation in the feet, lack of energy, fatigue, peeling of the skin, graying and loss of hair, gastrointestinal disorders - lack of Pantothenic acid.

- Pale and peeling skin, lethargy, drowsiness, nausea, loss of appetite, hair loss, pain in the muscles.- lack of Biotin.


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