Thursday, March 31, 2016

Oatmeal scrub and mask

After the skin soft , silky , tender… mmmm from the first application

PT. spoon ( with slide ) oatmeal + a small coffee Cup of warm milk + teaspoon of sour cream. All this mix thoroughly and leave for 5 minutes. After spread on the face and RUB in circular motion leaving on 10 minutes before the first signs of drying. Wash with warm water , then cold. Then a moisturizing or nourishing cream.
After this mask, even from the first application , you will see that the skin is soft , considerably reduced the pimples and black dots. The skin is visibly whitens and becomes healthy.

Take a bowl + tablespoon ( with slide ) oatmeal + tea big glass of water. Stir and put on fire to boil. Boil 10 minutes and turn off , leaving to such a temperature that you can use for your skin. It turns out this semi-solid mass. Take a direct hand, so to speak , glue and smear on clean face. Leaving before drying. It turns out this silent film , which should be dry. Then just rinse with warm water. Then as the cream.
These procedures can be done in a week 2 times … not often. The result is stunning.


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