Wednesday, March 23, 2016

How useful carrot juice?

When and why to take carrot juice:

1) All those who are watching their appearance, carrot juice is vital. Beta-carotene, richly present in the juice, improves the condition and color of the skin, strengthens hair and gives it vitality and also have a beneficial effect on the nails.

2) a Glass of carrot juice a day will significantly strengthen your immune system, causing you not only will forget about the cold and all that goes with it, but will also decrease the likelihood of your face such troubles as barley and herpes.

3) For all those who suffer from lack of appetite, carrot juice will be a real helper in his return. Agree that this property of the juice will be very helpful when the child is not eating well.

4) the number and variety of Goodies, which are rich in carrot juice, charge the body with energy, high efficiency. Taking the juice regularly, you can actually say goodbye to such a problem, as fatigue and nervous exhaustion.


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