Monday, March 28, 2016

Natural juices to cleanse the body

The juices of some fruits and vegetables (and sometimes other plants) is very useful for your body! They eliminate toxins, and there’s nothing like natural products to give your body energy. In this article we will tell you about the most popular juices that you can drink in a given situation.

Tomato juice

Put five or six ripe tomatoes of medium size, put the juice in the fridge and drink a glass every day in the evening before sleep and in the morning, immediately after waking up. Tomatoes have a very important and useful properties: anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic, they ease the pain in my stomach and finally cause the appetite.

Vegetable juice

Put in a juicer 2 medium-sized tomatoes, two tablespoons chopped onions (preferably use a large onion), 1 cucumber and, finally, a spoon of olive oil. This vegetable juice is rich in vitamin C, B vitamins and minerals - substances that the body lacks when it removes from your body ethyl alcohol. In addition, this juice can help with hangovers.

The juice of carrot, celery and parsley

For this juice you will need exactly 200 grams of carrots, 30 grams of beetroot, 100 grams of celery and, finally, 20 grams of parsley. After you squeeze the juice, mix it well. Drink it before Breakfast in the early morning. This juice is entirely rejuvenates the liver, protects it and helps her as easier and faster to bring our body of harmful substances.

Cabbage juice

Wring the juice from the head of any size, add a little boiled water and drink this drink before Breakfast. As described above, and juices, cabbage juice helps with hangovers and stimulates the liver as quickly as possible to excrete harmful substances.

Cucumber juice

Take 2 medium size cucumber, peel the skin, wash, dry and wring out the juice. Then put the juice in the fridge. This drink helps to protect the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, which, in turn, helps to avoid the harmful effects of alcohol on the digestive system. In addition, cucumber juice - a loyal ally in the fight against toxins.

The juice of plums and dill

This wonderful combination has a powerful laxative effect, so that the juice from plums and dill are indispensable for constipation - it solves this problem instantly. 9 or 10 boil plums in water until it get sticky syrup. Then fry a spoon of fennel seeds and resolce them to a fine powder. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients and put them in the blender. Cut and mix the ingredients in a blender, put in the fridge get a drink. Drink this juice cold before Breakfast.


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