Saturday, March 26, 2016

Liver cleansing with oats

This old recipe liver cleanse oats come to us from the Urals, it is designed for the most persistent people who want to be “sterile clean”. The deposition of salts in the joints, sand, stones of liver, kidney, spleen, pancreas, lymph - it all leaves your body.

For this Cup oats (not flakes), wash with warm water, pour into the pan. To the same place two tablespoons of crushed dried or fresh leaves, cranberries, two tablespoons of leaves or birch buds (fresh or dry). It all pour 2 liters of water and leave to infuse overnight in a cool place.

In another pan pour 1 Cup of chopped rose hips pour a glass of water, bring to a boil, there also add two tablespoons of the stigmata of corn and two tablespoons herb knotweed. The mixture boil 15 minutes, insist 45 minutes, then strain and add the strained mixture from the first pan. The resulting infusion is poured into bottles made of dark glass and store in the fridge.

Use the mixture every day, in the form of heat for 30 minutes before eating every morning. Day 1 - 50 g 2-day - 100g, 3rd and subsequent days - 150 g. the Length of treatment is 10 days. This course liver cleanse can be repeated in two weeks. During the course of purification by oats should abandon animal food, in particular meat, sausage. The best time for this cleansing is the spring post before Easter, autumn - winter, the Christmas fast.


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