Now your skin needs special care: santiapillai summer left a not very pleasant traces. Generous gifts of autumn restore skin elasticity and radiance.
- Melon “fed” for dry and normal skin of the face and neck. 2 tbsp. spoon melon pulp mix with 1 tbsp honey and 1 tbsp. a spoon of sour cream. Apply on clean face, neck and décolleté half an hour, wash off with warm water and apply a cream.
- Healing cocktail pumpkin for fresh cheeks. 2 tbsp. chopped in a blender to a state of mashed pumpkin mixed with raw egg yolk and 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil. Apply to clean skin for 20 minutes, wash off with warm water and apply a cream.
- Peach and Daisy - a great moisturizer for oily skin. 3 tbsp mashed peach without skin mix with 3 teaspoons of chamomile decoction. Apply the mixture on the face for 20 minutes. Wash off with cool water and apply a cream.
Fat porous skin is useful from time to time to wipe the sour juice (cranberry juice, cranberries, tomatoes, red currant, sauerkraut), diluted with water.
- Dry skin and fading like the juice or pulp of grapes, watermelon, plums, banana, sour apples. Can be applied in their pure form or with addition of a small amount of vegetable oil.
Under the influence of the summer sun, the leather has coarsened and utensils. To remove hyperkeratosis and prepare for other procedures, use the scrub.
Bear in mind that scrub should be very gentle for dry skin is especially important. One of the best home exfoliants - coffee grounds. Take 3 tablespoons of finely ground coffee grounds, put in the yolks, mix thoroughly.
Apply the mixture on face and gently massage along the massage lines. Wash off with warm water, and then make a mask or umlani skin cream.
For over-dried by the sun or just dry and rough skin courses oil mask - a real salvation.
Warm up apricot or peach oil in a water bath. Liberally soak it in thin cotton cloth and put on face for 10 minutes. Then repeatedly blot with face wipes and apply a moisturizing cream. Do this procedure twice a week a course of 8 treatments.
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