Sunday, March 27, 2016

Diet after birth how to lose weight after giving birth

How to lose weight after giving birth - a question that plagues many women, therefore to help mothers have given birth recently developed the diet after childbirth, which will reduce accumulated during your pregnancy pounds.
The main thing is to eat balanced. Daily you can consume 1200 calories, and when your weight returns to normal, you will be able to add to the diet 500 calories. Diet for weight loss after birth lasts 7 days, but stick with it much longer.

Menu diet after childbirth (choose 1 option):

1. Toast, tinned tomatoes (100 gr.), grated Edam cheese (12 oz.)
2. Any unsweetened cereal with milk (25 g.), banana
3. The egg on toast from bread with bran
4. Toast of bran bread (preferably hot) and Edam cheese (25 gr.) - to cook on the grill

1. Boiled potatoes (150 gr.), Edam cheese (25 gr.), 1 tomato, 1 tablespoon of chopped cabbage, vegetable salad, pear or peach
2. A couple of slices of bread with mustard, slice of ham, Edam cheese (25 gr.), Cup low fat yogurt
3. A couple of toasts, a boiled string bean (125 gr.), banana
4. Raw vegetables with low-fat yogurt (add the juice of half a lemon, Edam cheese (12 oz.) and tsp y. oil), the dried slice of bread

1. Cauliflower with cheese (any low fat), mixed salad (season with lemon juice), banana
2. Chicken leg without skin (200 g., to cook on the grill), boiled in their skins potatoes (125 gr.), braised carrot (50 gr.), corn grain (50 g), green beans, zucchini, orange
3. Spaghetti (75 g. dry) with sauce (50 gr. low-fat minced meat, canned tomatoes, herbs, garlic), Edam cheese (25 gr., shredded), mixed salad, Apple
4. Steak of cod in breadcrumbs (100 g., to cook on the grill), mashed potatoes on low-fat milk and tomatoes (add garlic and greens), green peas (50 g), broccoli, green beans, low-fat yogurt
5. Liver (100 g., to cook on the grill in gravy (meat juice, and orange)), boiled in their skins potatoes (125 gr.), ordinary cabbage and cauliflower, an Apple or a pear

1. Edam cheese (25 gr.), a couple of crisps, tomatoes
2. Chocolate biscuit, few grapes
3. Bread (wholemeal flour), salad, homemade cheese (3 tablespoons), beer of any sorts (250 ml), a pie with jam

For more convenient of the specified menu loss diet after birth, you can include 1 glass of dry wine per day.


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