Monday, March 28, 2016

How to pump up the trapezius muscle?

For a detailed understanding of the technique of exercises on the trapeze, you should understand their function, why does it make sense to consider in detail the structure of these muscles. Located in the upper back, they bring together 3 groups of powerful muscles: deltoid, latissimus and spinal muscles of the neck, forming a flat triangle. The trapezius muscles work in three directions: the upper part of the trapezius raises the shoulder blade and the entire shoulder girdle, lower front, lower, and middle part shifts the scapula to the spine. The development of the trapezoid defines the normal functioning of the shoulder girdle and neck, protects the load from damage of the clavicle and the cervical vertebrae.

Anatomy of the trapezius muscle is that its the best formation it is necessary to work the muscle in three completely opposite directions. This means that the simple training on-line does not exist, You will have to perform a complex of at least three exercises: one for each part of a trapezoid. The top trapezoid has a natural power, and therefore to the development of the muscles should be used serious weight.

We should not forget about diet, which is inherent in Your somatic type , since the quality of relief of muscle can be accomplished only by combining active classes in the gym and proper nutrition.

There are specially designed exercises, which aim at pumping trapezius muscles. They are called Sagami.

Sragi for the upper trapezius muscles:

Performed with a barbell in the standing position. It makes sense to wear a special belt for strength training. Rod must be located at a height just above the knee to avoid impact stress on the lower back at the beginning and end of the exercise.

Starting position - feet shoulder width, hands on the bar slightly wider than shoulders. Open palm to the torso, thumbs around grip. Straighten your back, bring the strained shoulder blades together, chin to raise up to feel the muscles of the neck. To remove the bar from its support and become vertically without changing the position of the back. Bring your shoulders down, under the weight of the rod stretching trapeze. Further, the force of the shoulders to raise the shoulders as high as possible, as if trying to touch their earlobes, and fix the position. Perform 6-8 times. Returning a rod bearing, not to relax the back as long as the weights will not stay on the rack.

After sragow of the post makes sense to “finish” trapeze exercises with dumbbells. Weight in shriah with dumbbells significantly reduced, but it increases the mobility of the shoulder girdle, thus allowing to pump the upper part of the trapezius muscle with the optimal amplitude. Technique is the same as in the variations of the post. The only condition is that you need to avoid these shoulders and rotate the dumbbells inside, they should go parallel to each other.

Sragi for the middle part of the trapezius muscle:

Are performed by lying on an inclined bench. You can use a barbell, but dumbbells are preferable because they have high mobility, which facilitates better focus on pumping the muscle.

Bench is angled at 30°. Lie on the bench face down, hands near the floor hold a dumbbell or barbell. Pull the shell upwards, reducing the middle part of the trapezius. Perform 10-12 times.

Chrage for lower trapezius muscles:

Performed on uneven bars. Because of the substantial weight of a trapezoid falls on its lower part, one should not neglect a thorough study of this share muscles. Shragi on the bars make it possible to pump the bottom of the trapezoid so that the entire upper part of the back was proportionally developed.

Starting position - on the uneven bars in her outstretched arms. Without bending your elbows, keeping your back upright, pull the body to the floor. The shoulders are raised. Then a push-up, using only the force of trapezoids. At the top lock body, shoulders down as low as possible. Perform 8-10 times.

The basic rules when shragai on the trapezius muscle:

- When lifting the projectile to inhale during lowering - exhale. Hold the breath is not recommended.
- Shoulders must be kept straight. Hold in position vertically upwards. Not to press forward.
Not to put my head down, trying to achieve muscle contraction. Head need to keep straight, his chin up.
- Control the weight of the weights. Too heavy weight can not work out the muscles in a sufficient amplitude.
- Do not bend the elbows. This will cause the load on the bicep, and will limit the stress on the trapeze.


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