Monday, March 14, 2016

About wakame

Wakame is a dark green, almost brown edible seaweed.

Wakame obladaet a nice subtle aroma and is used in cooking a number of dishes: salads, Japanese soups, snacks.

Often wakame is used in soups - for example, she prepared the soup with soy tofu.

Dried seaweed wakame when soaking in water increases in 3 times.

Wakame does not like long heat treatment, therefore, in hot dishes it is added directly before serving.

Wakame seaweed is 1 of those products for which Eastern cuisine has earned a reputation as one of the most healthy and useful traditions in the world.

These algae provide energy to the whole body.

Wakame is a must-use for people, who suffer from lack of iodine in the body.

Wakame contains almost no fat with a high content of vitamins and minerals.

The caloric content. Per 100 grams and 45 Calories.


Those who previously did not consume the algae as food,for the first time should be limited to small amounts of Wakame.


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