Wednesday, March 2, 2016



The most useful bread. Easily done, most importantly the yeast correctly to make. For fermentation you need to take a handful of raisins(soak to swollen) or grapes, to grind, just mash by hand. Pour in 1 quart jar, добавить1 a glass of warm water, 1 tbsp sugar, 5 tbsp with slide flour.

Bread sourdough

To close a nylon lid and put in a warm place, on the battery, while not fermented somewhere 2-3 days (put jar in pan, and then the cover can break and it will turn over). Then strain through a sieve, throw raisins, ferment, pour back in jar and add 1 Cup warm water, 1 teaspoon of sugar and 5 tbsp with slide flour and put another day in a warm place.

The hard part is done, now the starter can live indefinitely, only need once a week to make bread or to spice up the leaven. So if we don’t make the bread, pour the leaven, leaving the Bank 1-2 cm of liquid. Now add 1 Cup warm water, 1 tbsp sugar, 5 tbsp with slide flour, leave for 3 hours at room temperature, then put in the fridge. Stored starter in the REFRIGERATOR.

Make the bread: get the leaven out of the fridge in advance for 2-3 hours to recover, it must be all in small puziko. Before kneading the dough I turn the oven on 100 degrees and put loaf pan (I have glass) to warm up. Knead bread: in a bowl pour the Cup of warm water, sourdough (be careful to leave 1-2 cm of liquid) 1 teaspoon of salt and sugar, 2 tbsp of vegetable oil and 16 tbsp with slide flour (I take 6 spoonfuls of bran or whole wheat flour). All mix thoroughly and pour into the mold. The form needs oiling, I put it on the bottom with baking paper. Shape I have oval 20 by 30 and the result is full, if you take the round so no less than 25 cm in diameter. Now pour the batter into the pan and tighten the wrap as pictured.

Put in a warm oven, reduce the heat to 50-60 °, and wait until it magnifies 3 times, it will take 2-3 hours. Remove the foil and bake 1 hour at 200 degrees.

Put in a warm oven, reduce the heat to 50-60 °, and wait until it magnifies 3 times, it will take 2-3 hours. Remove the foil and bake 1 hour at 200 degrees.

The dough can be added different flour, a little oat flakes and sunflower seeds, croutons of bread with seeds is very tasty.

Additional tips:

1) Bran is better steamed with boiling water and wait until the mixture becomes warm, you can now add the yeast and everything else.

2) Kneading can make dough and knead it with hands and leave to rise in a closed, turned off oven overnight. This bread is finely-perforated, soft.

3) If you get the leaven out of the fridge and it is watery and not bubbling when you stand in a warm place, then add more flour to the consistency of very thick cream.

You can ferment from the refrigerator into the oven at 50 degrees right Bank and very quickly it will be ready to use.


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