Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Gather the leaves of the sea buckthorn !


Dried them brewed as a tea and drink to treat hypertension and symptomatic hypertension, bowel disorders, hypovitaminosis, colds, and fresh - sometimes used instead of parsley or dill, if you want sprinkle with herbs a particular dish.

1. Infusion of leaves of sea buckthorn is used in diseases of the joints (boil 1 tablespoon of crushed leaves of sea buckthorn 10 min. in a glass of water, take ½ Cup 2 times a day).

2. Sea buckthorn tea with hypovitaminosis.
5 g of dried leaves brew 1 Cup of boiling water.

3. For disorders of the gastrointestinal tract used as a decoction from the leaves and twigs of sea buckthorn.

4. Skin diseases take a bath with infusion of twigs and leaves of sea buckthorn.

5. In leaves and fruits of the plant are coumarins inhibiting the formation of clots in blood vessels.

7. For colds, you can brew tea taken in equal proportions from the leaves of sea buckthorn, chamomile and St. John’s wort.

8. Tea from the leaves of sea buckthorn is effective in the treatment of stomatitis and periodontitis.

9. The decoction of the leaves of sea buckthorn applies drink diabetes (including those with vascular complications), anemia, gastric ulcer, liver disease, colds, atherosclerosis and hypertension.

10. The leaves of sea buckthorn are used at elevated cholesterol, and obesity.



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