The largest cross-section (diameter) and the largest potential increase of the cross section have fast twitch muscle fibers, which possess a glycolytic metabolism. That is why, out of all kinds of energy supply of muscular contractions which were described previously, for bodybuilding the most important source of glycolytic regeneration of ATP.
Let me remind you that in this exchange have type 2 fast muscle fibers:
- fiber type FF - fast, having a glycolytic metabolism;
- fiber type FI quick with approaching glycolytic type of metabolism.
Now consider what an increase cross-sectional muscle. Or, more simply, due to which there is a thickening of the muscle. Muscle can thicken due to three factors:
1. thickening of muscle fibers is called hypertrophy;
2. increasing the number of muscle fibers is called hyperplasia;
3. increase of fluids and energy substances in the muscle tissue.
The greatest potential in increasing muscle cross-section has a factor in the thickening of muscle fibers - hypertrophy. And the thickening of the muscle fibers under the influence of training is due to the increased content in muscle fiber structural and contractile proteins.
Thus, we can say that to increase muscle mass, it is necessary to increase the content of the structural and contractile proteins in the muscles. The more effective you will affect the process of increasing the number of proteins in the muscles, the faster you will be able to increase the mass of your muscles.
And here we come to the key question of bodybuilding. You can say, “the cornerstone” of bodybuilding. So -the Question is: what kind of work is optimal for increasing muscle mass? Without the correct answer to this question it is impossible to make significant strides in increasing muscle mass.
What kind of genetics you would not have had - good or not so, how could you not practiced - natural or “unnatural”, the use of the most effective methods will allow you to most quickly and fully realize your genetic potential. This should know and remember. First of all the Technique! All other pharmacological supplements will always be just a supplements, as not able by themselves to replace proper training methods.
We now turn to the consideration of the question, whereby there is an increase in the number of structural and contractile protein in muscle fiber. Any training is based on a curious fact: at the time it was noticed that the dwindling supply of source energy or the injured tissue does not recover to the original level, and a few more. This phenomenon has received the name of supercompensation or overreduction.
That gives us the knowledge of this fact? First of all, the understanding that to ensure the increase of the content of contractile proteins in the muscles, (and, as a consequence of increased muscle mass), it is necessary first to destroy these proteins.
Once again I will stress this point - to increase the number of contractile proteins in the muscles, you need to destroy them. In other words, simply put, to increase muscle, it must first be reduced.
In passing I note that there is a profound misconception that muscle grow during exercise. This is absolutely not true! During exercise the muscles are destroyed, and they grow during rest.
During the recovery period after exercise of the collapsed contractile proteins, there is a phase of overreduction, that is, an increase in the levels of these proteins, which leads to an increase of the cross section of the muscle.
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