Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Useful properties of lentils


Lentils is one of the few products of our diet (along with peas and cereals), to which our body and our digestive system is adapted genetically. The process of adapting takes more than one century. In food and foods made from lentils, there is almost everything you need to our body. Fruits lentils by more than a third consist of protein. On the nutritious qualities of lentil protein is not inferior to meat protein. Besides it is much easier absorbed by our body and does not have those components of fat that accompany meat protein. In nutritional properties and medicinal qualities of products equal to the lentils in the vegetable world there.

The protein lentils are essential for our body amino acids (e.g. lecithin). Dishes of lentils are our main suppliers of vitamins and minerals that are fully absorbed. In iron content, for example, it has no equal. Lentils, has one very valuable feature. It does not accumulate in any harmful or toxic elements (nitrates, radionuclides, etc.). Because of this, lentil, grown in any part of the world, can be considered environmentally friendly.

Medicinal properties of lentils, known since ancient times. On the basis of lentil grain European doctors prepared the “Arabian tonic”, which was considered a panacea for all illnesses. Consumption of dishes of lentils is good for the heart and is necessary for hematopoiesis. The introduction in the diet of lentil salads, lentil soups and cereals provides the ability to normalize the level of blood sugar in patients with diabetes mellitus. Puree of lentils, useful in diseases of the digestive system (colitis, ulcers, etc.).

Dishes of lentils will make Your diet more diverse and useful. Love this product is created by nature for us to be healthy and vigorous until old age. Bon appetit and stay healthy.


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