Thursday, March 10, 2016

About cabbage juice

Use the juice from cabbage is a unique capability of the product to influence the natural processes of conversion of carbohydrates contained in the food into fat.

With regular consumption of cabbage juice, it helps to lose weight.

Cabbage juice is a product of nutritious and not nutritious at the same time.

In cabbage juice a lot of vitamins and various mineral substances, almost all of which are in easily digestible form.

The juice of cabbage is extremely rich in vitamins C, group b, K and PP. It contains such minerals like sodium and iodine, phosphorus and silicon, also have calcium, iron, and also magnesium and potassium.

Consumption of cabbage juice can reduce blood pressure, get rid of excess cholesterol in the blood and atherosclerotic plaques.

Typically, pomace cabbage juice using a juicer or a meat grinder.

The caloric content. Per 100 grams - 25 Kcal.


Before the use of cabbage juice as food, you should consult with your doctor because this product can cause irreparable harm to certain categories of people, for example suffering from chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

When transferred myocardial infarction, cabbage juice is prohibited.

People who suffer from hyperacidity of the organism cabbage juice is prohibited.

Damage cabbage juice can be from overuse.


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