Thursday, March 3, 2016

Exercises for beauty ass!

Perform the complex 3 times a week�


Take a dumbbell in your right hand and, shifting the weight to the opposite foot, right lunged back. Try not to rely on the right foot. Stretch the right arm to the outside of the left foot. Stand up, lifting right knee to the height of the pelvis and opening his arms to the sides.
Repeat 8-10 times, then perform the exercise with the other leg.


Stand up straight, left hand dumbbell. Bend forward from the hips, placing your left foot back and pulling in front of him left hand. Straighten up, lowering his hands at the seams, and make the Mach left foot forward. Tolkienites left heel and squeeze your buttocks.
Do 8 to 10 repetitions, then change leg to complete the repetition.


Make a lunge forward with the left foot, turning the foot slightly clockwise. Bend forward from the hips and spread your arms wide apart, as if going to do the wheel. Hold for 1 count, then stand up, keeping the position of the right leg. Left step to the left, the toe expand outward. Sit down and lean to the left, hands still outstretched. Hold for 1 count, then repeat again.
Performing 3 to 5 repetitions, change leg to complete the approach.


Place your feet wider than shoulder width, feet parallel, left slightly behind right. Sit with support on the left leg, placing your pelvis back and stretching your arms in front of the left foot, back straight. Stand, shifting weight to the right foot, placing left back and raising his hands above his head.
Do 10 repetitions, then change leg to complete the approach.


Sit on the floor, legs extended forward, hands in front of him. Without moving your feet, crawling, lifting and carrying the right thigh, then left. Do the exercise forwards and backwards. If hard to do this exercise on the floor - sit on the Mat, although it is likely that you will be “crawling” with him.


Lie on the floor, squeeze buttocks and lift the pelvis. Lower your pelvis down, and then raise (at this point, try to further stretch the buttocks), returning it to its original position. Perform 10 repetitions.


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