Wednesday, March 2, 2016

For a healthy spine

Every night before going to sleep for 1.5 months eat:

Dried apricots figs prunes

1 figs (the Fig tree)

5 dried apricots (dried apricots)

1 the fruit of prunes

These fruits contain substances that cause tissue repair comprising soft intervertebral discs. Also, these substances make these tissues more resistant and elastic. Strengthening these tissues leads to the fact that the vertebrae themselves begin to become designated nature of the place without external manual correction.

Try to do so - you will not recognize your spine. Substances necessary for the implementation of this procedure are not contained in each fruit separately, and are formed by mixing them. It also contains a combination of magical power, and also capable of increasing sexual power of men and women.

The author of this recipe said Olympic athletes, who thus recovered his spine after heavy loads. The author several years recommended the same to their patients - really helps.

Dried apricots or dried apricots, no matter how called dried apricot, undoubtedly, one thing, it’s just a storehouse of nutrients. Scientifically proven that dried apricots have a beneficial effect on the heart muscle due to potassium content, in addition, apricots excellent prevention of cancer. Part of this “miracle of dried fruit” - phosphorus, iron, calcium, carotene, vitamin B5.

Figs - preventive agent against cancer, normalizes the activity of the thyroid gland. In addition, dried figs helps eliminate parasites from the intestines. Used as a folk remedy for the treatment of bronchitis.

Prunes - 1 gift of nature for your health. Perhaps the first thing that has a beneficial effect dried plums is the gastro-intestinal tract. Infusion of prunes helps to cure constipation and normalization of work of digestive system. In addition, prunes useful for those who have heart problems and high blood pressure. In addition, it is believed that prunes useful in kidney diseases, rheumatism, liver diseases and atherosclerosis. Thanks to the high concentration of vitamin A, it also improves eyesight.


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