Wednesday, March 2, 2016

This recipe will save you from pain in the legs and neck for 7 days

Works! Long ago I read the advice of a military doctor about how to keep your joints in good condition and repair problems associated with them.

I recently tested it on himself and found that this recipe is actually a miracle!

If you have problems with pain in joints, back, legs and neck, this recipe is for you!

- Buy at any store 150 g of any edible gelatin (enough for a full course of treatment for 30 days).

- In the evening, pour 5 g gelatin (two tea spoon without top) a quarter Cup of chilled water in the fridge.

- Allow the solution to stand at room temperature.

When gelatin swell, this mass during the night will turn into jelly.

- In the morning drink this mixture on an empty stomach. If you nasty the taste, you can add juice, honey, yogurt or sour cream. Anything you could swallow.

- Repeat this procedure 7 days in a row. People who follow this prescription, inform that it really eliminates back pain, legs and spine. A week later they cease to notice them!

- The full course of treatment lasts 1 month. It can be held no more often than every 6 months. It is a proven way to restore lubrication to the joints.

Many people do not believe that it works. Gelatin and prefer instead to use detailed chemistry pain medicine. They do not inspire confidence at this primitive method of treatment.

Why gelatin is beneficial for the joints?

Gelatin is a product of animal origin obtained as a result of processing the connective tissue of large horned livestock - tendons, bones, collagen. So it has a positive effect on the state of internal fibers and small vessels.

Plus to everything, it contains two amino acids: Proline and hydroxyproline. Both effectively repair the connective tissue of the body.

And yet. Gelatin stimulates the growth and volume of connective tissue, which is very important in the case of the affected joint.
Here is another useful property of gelatin:

- Strengthens joints and heart muscles;

- Improves metabolism;

- Increases mental abilities;

- Supports healthy skin;
- Attaches ligaments and tendons elasticity;

- Prevents the development of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis;

- Accelerates the growth and strengthening of hair and nails;

- Save us from dysplasia.

From my own experience I can say that for the first 7 days of this therapy I got rid of the pain and stiffness in the neck. I’ve made due to the fact that my job is to sit at the computer. After a month the pain in the joints and crunching in my fingers.


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