Saturday, March 5, 2016

How to avoid problems with the spine?


To prevent the formation of herniated discs, you should follow a few rules. If you already have low back pain, you should not lift more than 10 kg.

1. Before exercise drink some water or something or whether, in dehydrated body, the disks can’t absorb sufficient moisture.

2. Massage the back, it will accelerate the blood circulation and accelerate metabolism.

3. If you have to lift heavy things, it is desirable to use the belt lifter.

4. Never pick up or hold objects on his outstretched hands, which is ten times increases the load on the spine. To raise the subject squat and then stand up with him. The spine should remain straight.

5. After any loads on the spine it is advisable to hang, if you work to have for a long time, hanging periodically, if you can’t hang, at least stretch his hands up.

6. Avoid sudden movements, especially of turning the torso tilt.

7. Try to evenly distribute the load, i.e. do not carry bags in one hand, etc., if you have to carry something in front of him, hold him as close as possible to the body and passing it on, do not pull the hands forward.

8. When cleaning the apartment, etc. try as little to be in the folded state and as little as possible to bend.

9. When carrying heavy loads, especially over long distances, it is desirable to use a cart, bag, suitcase on wheels or backpack.



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