Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Our health is in our hands!

It turns out that through the healing power of your hands, it is possible to get rid of a headache without medication; you just need to master simple methods.

Reflexology is the impact on biologically active points, which, as you know, are nervous receptors responsible for the various organs and systems of the body. The result can be normalized pressure, decrease cholesterol, increase immunity. Reflexology has a calming, anti-stress effect, occupies a significant place in the prevention of vascular diseases of the brain, is used in the treatment of many neurological and somatic diseases. Irritation of the reflex zones in the body causes some physiological changes, restores balance in the body, thereby playing a healing role.

To ease the symptoms of a cold or hay fever, find the “sore spot” located on the palm between the bases of the middle and ring finger. The thumb of the other hand for two minutes good massage this point in circular movements clockwise and counterclockwise. This massage is especially good if you have sinus headache in the eyes and nose. To clear a stuffy nose for a few seconds firmly squeeze the tips of all fingers together, and then resinite. Repeat the movement 5-6 times.

The thumb of the right hand with a strong pressure along the entire swipe of the thumb of the left hand, starting from the base and ending with the tip of the nail. This portion of the brush corresponds with the spine. Massaging her, you help relieve tension and relax the muscles that support the spine. In turn on both hands several times massage this Department, find the point of the solar plexus (see diagram) and gently massage it. This will remove the tension from the back and the entire body.


Locate the “point shoulder” on the palm at the base of the ring finger and little finger. The tip of the thumb massage the point for a minute on each hand. Shoulder pain is most often due to poor posture, so first we need to figure out what is the cause of your pain. If you suspect that the cause inconvenience in the workplace, try to sit firmly on the chair so that the backrest support the lower back. If, firmly sitting on a chair, you still can’t reach the back, beneath the thick back cushion.

Often when we are nervous, we searched something with hands is a natural reaction. To get rid of stress, which we are in a difficult moment, massage the palm, as shown in the photo. Massage the solar plexus point located in the middle of the palm (see General diagram). The tip of the thumb in circular motions, massage this point for two to three minutes.

To feel immediate relief, do this easy massage feel the tip of the thumb and determine its most sensitive point, and then confident movement of the other of the thumb massage this place. Repeat the same with the other hand. If the headache persists, then the cause is probably in the back problems poor posture, tension in the back. If you often suffer from headaches, it is best to consult a doctor to identify the true cause of the problem.

Stimulate points affecting digestion, by conducting a curved line along the contour of the palm from the base of the thumb to the little finger. Massage gently for 2 minutes, then repeat the same with the other hand. 1 effective way to get rid of indigestion - stimulation of corresponding points on the feet. For this tennis ball put on the floor, step on the center of the foot and roll in circles for 3 minutes.

A couple of simple movements with your fingers, and your life will sparkle with new colors!

Gently push the thumb of the left hand on the middle of the right palm and rotate them in a circle for a minute. Do the same thing right thumb on left palm. This will loosen tension in the neck and will switch your attention.

The fingertips of both hands vigorously knock against each other. Then using your thumb and index finger of the right hand squeeze the left thumb and run them from the base to the tip. Do the same with the thumb of the right hand.

Easily squeeze the thumb of the left hand index and middle fingers of the right (like pliers) and “Wintel” in this clip from the tip to the base. Do the same with the right thumb. This massage enhances blood flow to the brain.


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