Monday, March 14, 2016

Rice milk will help you lose weight

Vegetable milk is in fashion today. And it seems that this is not a temporary whim, because these natural drinks really are a great substitute for milk of animal origin. They are better absorbed by our bodies more healthy and can provide us with essential nutrients, but what else do you need? But these products have another important advantage: many of them are low calorie and help us to watch their figure and weight fluctuations, take, for example, rice milk.

✔The beneficial properties of rice milk

Rice milk has very low fat content. One glass contains only 1.5 g, and unsaturated fats (saturated fat - 0g). Such low rates allow our body to better absorb the vitamins.

This herbal drink is very good for the immune system. To strengthen your immune system, it is recommended to drink 2 cups of rice milk a day.

Rice milk is digested perfectly, this is 1 of the most “digestible” products. It can be used even in the form of serum to provide the body with nutrients when we can’t eat anything because of poor health, lack of appetite or diarrhea. It is ideal for people suffering from gastritis, heartburn, etc.

Rice milk is a great way to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood.

In addition, it contains sufficient amount of vitamin D.
As rice milk will allow you to lose weight?

Rice milk promotes the burning of calories: since it contains little fat, the digestion process becomes easier and faster, this in turn releases energy that helps the body to burn fat. It’s very simple. That is, rice milk can be an ideal beverage to start your day that will provide us with essential vitamins and at the same time will promote cleansing of the body by removing excess cholesterol.

Recent studies have shown that the vitamin D contained in rice milk, helps fight excess weight. To be more precise, the combination of calcium and vitamin D has the ability to fight against fat. How then to resist? The product is just perfect!

However, according to the protein content, rice milk is inferior to cow, which is also necessary to take into account. This means that it is desirable to compensate for the lack of protein during Breakfast, for example, using walnuts. More “shortcomings” in the rice milk we have found. It really is a very healthy beverage, helps the digestion and efficient fat burner. To drink it best for Breakfast and another glass in the afternoon. You will notice how this will change the quality of your life, if you make consumption of your healthy habit. The effect will be much stronger if you stick to a balanced diet, low in fat and a predominance of vegetables and fruits in the diet, and if you can perform simple physical exercises.

✔How to make rice milk?

The ingredients that you will need to prepare 1 liter of rice milk:
1 Cup of brown rice
8 cups water
2 tablespoons sunflower oil
4 tablespoons of honey.

Method of preparation

Put water on the fire. As soon as it boils, throw in the rice. It is best to use brown rice, as it is more beneficial to health in General and digestion in particular.

Next, lower the heat, close the lid and leave the rice to cook for about two hours. After this time, turn off the heat and allow to cool a little.

Put all in a blender and mix to obtain a homogeneous liquid that really has become like milk. Then add the sunflower oil and honey and mix again in the blender.

Some people like to add cinnamon, but it is a question of the individual. We offer you the most simple recipe, and then you can fantasize.

To store cooked rice milk is better in glass container with tightly sealed lids, so its shelf life will be longer, though, as a rule, it lasts for 2 or 3 days and during this time it will not have time to deteriorate. As we have said, it is recommended to drink 2 cups a day, so you just liters should be enough for 2 days.

Rice milk is an ideal drink for the whole family, of course, if you have no allergies to this product or other ingredients included in the beverage.


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