Equipped with high-tech equipment allows physicians Morozovskaya hospital to perform complicated operations. For example, the Department of ophthalmology and eye microsurgery femtosecond and excimer lasers, first laser keratoplasty in children.
This operation is to replace part of the cornea with a donor graft. It is known that the corneal opacity in children - pathology, which accounts for 4-10 % of all cases of childhood blindness and vision disorders. While diagnosis and treatment of corneal opacities in children is a complex, mnogoplanovost and expensive task. However, the appearance of equipment such as femtosecond laser, which is capable of forming the incision with clearly defined parameters and to ensure the absolute conformity of shape and size of the graft and the bed, minimizes the deformation of the cornea, and thus shorten the time of visual rehabilitation, which is extremely important. This laser helps to carry out a unique operation in the Morozov hospital.
Two patients, 6 and 14 years, were admitted to the hospital with the same diagnosis - monolateral Central corneal leukoma. The younger girl’s corneal condition was degraded due to previous surgery, performed by manual method, and the older one had complications after a severe ulcer of the cornea. Cases of severe, but thanks to the professionalism of doctors and the use of innovative equipment, the operation was successful, and the postoperative period was uneventful.
The results obtained imply the development of this area in Morozov DGKB, and the gradual accumulation of experience and the ability to restore the eyesight of children in difficult clinical situations.
Saturday, March 5, 2016
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» Equipped with high-tech equipment allows doctors Morozovskaya hospital
to perform complicated operations
Equipped with high-tech equipment allows doctors Morozovskaya hospital to perform complicated operations
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