Monday, March 7, 2016

Do not rush to throw away!

Offer some tips for use in agriculture, it would seem, it is absolutely unnecessary things - just garbage.

1. Peel banana is a wonderful food for plants. When transplanting plants in the pot, add the chopped peel - can be pre-dried for future use. Peel very quickly decompose and fertilize the plant with trace elements, especially valuable in potassium, which affects the capacity of green mass.

2. Also a valuable source of potassium - unsweetened coffee grounds - just gently pour.

3. Shells of walnuts (peeled peregorodočkami) - excellent natural drainage for houseplants. When transplanting place the shells on the bottom of the pot.

3. In pot roses need added dropwise under the roots of the iron nail. In the garden is fine for this purpose you can use iron cans, podkovannye closer to the roots. Rusting, iron turns into ferrous form and becomes available for absorption plants. Roses are receiving enough iron oxides stronger health and a brighter bloom.

4. Peel from mandarins, dried and decomposed in wardrobe scare off moth and will give a slight flavor.

5. Orange peel - there is nothing better for cleaning the microwave. In a bowl put the peel 1-2 oranges, pour water so much that she covered and heat on full power for 5 minutes. Oven wash the sponge with warm water. It is easy to clean and will smell. If this procedure is done regularly, you won’t need any chemical detergent compositions.



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