Wednesday, March 9, 2016


According to many doctors - most of the diseases of the joints can be avoided through regular preventive cleaning. There are many ways of purification of the joints (mainly diet and exercise). In this article we present the most effective of them.

How to clean the joints? - effective recipes and methods

1. A decoction of potatoes

Take 1 kilogram of fresh potatoes, rinse it under running warm water (not peeled) and cut into small pieces. Perezimuem chopped potatoes in a pot and fill it with purified water (the water should slightly cover potatoes). Now put the saucepan on low heat and cook for about two hours. Ready broth should strain through a fine sieve or several layers of cheesecloth. Drink the decoction three times a day, one glass for two to three weeks. If necessary, the course is extended for another month.

2. Black radish

Take the fresh juice of this root three times a day, two tea spoons of. Juicing: it is necessary to twist a little radish in a meat grinder, and then squeeze the juice from the pulp using cheesecloth or sieve. Completion of one course of treatment need to purchase 10 kilos of radish. Remember to brush your roots is simple: wash out thoroughly.

3. Rice

To clean the joints we’ll need about two kilograms of rice. It is recommended to buy at the store with extra long rice, unbleached grains with a yellowish tinge. In the evening I take 1 Cup rice, searched, washed and soaked in purified water overnight. In the morning the rice rinse, pour two cups of purified water and cook over medium heat until cooked (the grains should absorb the liquid). Wash the groats and divide all the rice into 4 equal portions. Eat all the servings of cereal in 1 day, chewing slowly. It is advisable to start rice cleansing with morning drinking one Cup of decoction of rose hips. On the first day of cleaning in addition to a glass of the drink to take in fluids is prohibited! Half an hour before each consumption of rice (in subsequent days) you need to drink one glass of boiled or purified water. Course duration - 1 month, according to the scheme: 2 day cleanse - 3 day break. After a single course, it is recommended to do a one month break and then spend another 1 cleansing course.

4. Regular maintenance

For the prevention of joint diseases eat only fresh fruits and vegetables. In addition, at least once a week eat cottage cheese and sea fish.


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